
Savannah Standard

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bryan County - Precinct 10 issued 427 absentee ballots in the general election

Vote 06

Bryan County - Precinct 10 issued 427 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Bryan County - Precinct 10 voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
1605247Mary Ward1940860 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324-5214Canceled
10051192Edward Fleming Johnson1951723 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10662482Jacquelyn S. Sherlin1947874 Seascape Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7568751Benjamin Karl Ullrich1975295 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8746932Peggy Jones19577975 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1585320Alan Brett Smoak1961903 Seascape Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
534592Jeany Y. Webb19675 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7728994Sarah Marie Ullrich1978295 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6469537Milton Arthur Edness Jr.195199 Jerico Trail, Richmond hill 31324-5266Accepted
1528192John R. Fishback1943628 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324-5339Accepted
11919274Stephanie Cara Bishop197950 Oak Ridge Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5077609Cheryl Ann Beasley1950205 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2217667Carroll Beasley1950205 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324-5227Canceled
12010244Kristin Amber Owings1980110 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1511691Denise Jean Beasley1965110 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324-3327Accepted
11347034Susan Kay Edwards196020 Egrets Way Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7536606Laura Ashley Michael1990270 Hill Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11308054Taylor Loughlin1995173 Oakstead Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4024513Marsha Elise McBurney1947116 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5759912Patsy H. Gill1954130 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3196Accepted
8786981George Edward Haborak1936775 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10168564Daij L. Morrison1996140 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8928857Jennifer Jane Brown-Morgan1979800 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11259708Cameron David Pipes199931 Egrets Way Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11635304Anesta M. Williams1956152 Peregrine Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12239242Jeannie Teressa Smith19688712 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5781057Julius Andrew Menzoff1950270 Oak Ridge Circle, Richmond hill 31324-5371Accepted
1538736Brenda G. Beasley1950270 Gill Road, Richmond hill 31324-3134Canceled
5971321Terrance Ann Warner1952150 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607852Henry Ottis Strickland19398800 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324-3185Accepted
10534276John Sanford Johnson Jr.1953611 Cranston Bluff Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11817663Mary Ellen Hnylka1951164 Oak Creek Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10527569Sheryl Denman Curtis1951251 Cranston Bluff Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6982760Joyce E. Heath195285 Oakcrest Court, Richmond hill 31324-3028Accepted
1084706Richard H. Lindsey1952180 Old Mill Road W., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1609632Larry Eugene Garrett1946742 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6919478Sherry Diane Durden1952265 Belfast Pines Drive, Richmond hill 31324-5231Canceled
6566562Ashley Patrick Herndon1987199 Peregrine Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7930284Amanda Nicole Vonschade198980 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4687379James Howard Twomey1941460 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1608600Patsy Durrence Flowers1942256 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5632714Gregory Trevathan Muse1982116 Peregrine Circle, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11012024Tiffani Angelia Williams1987400 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6418272Joan Karen Stack1942271 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3577342John Robert Harden1938200 Old Mill Road W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5763603Stephen Anthony Spetalieri1953170 Daniel Siding Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8827486Karen Cooper Jones1946662 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6214Canceled
2914853Timothy Charles Pesola1963315 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607356Bashlor R.B. Jr.19356234 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324-3201Accepted
1567583Darwin Kennedy1925170 Oakstead Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3088Canceled
1548643Judith Gill Thomas1952595 Tranquilla Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8088438Ashley Williams1991495 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10851447Madison B. Vargas1998139 Oak Side Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1562702Maxine Melba Thompson194554 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324-3326Accepted
1608983Archie Woodroe Moore1953289 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8710946Patricia Ann Heath198085 Oakcrest Court, Richmond hill 31324-3028Accepted
1607618Clarence Jackson III196323 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324-3222Accepted
1569198Eleanor Hamrick Mills1932188 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6202Accepted
1604107Julian A. Clark1944868 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324-5214Canceled
10991595Earl Brownlee1951236 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2324122Wanda Lynn Cox196350 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5284235Karen Amoy Coward196615 Knollwood Court S., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8810643Desi Jackson1961439 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10817720Thomas John Legacki III1979203 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607624Margaret Jackson194323 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324-3222Accepted
1248144Kenneth Ernest Stephens1951265 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1568830Jill S. Walther1966649 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6378009Cheryl S. Bradshaw196170 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3017Accepted
12170714Harriett Walker1960210 Lee Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4367198Joe Lee Hester1965329 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3946192Sandra E. Jackson195890 Oakcrest Court, Richmond hill 31324-3025Accepted
4910045Debbie Bruner Wood196034 Oakstead Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6648261Demetrius Baron Durden1979588 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1608429John T. Wall1952153 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324-5258Canceled
6848518Elizabeth Darr Abt198898 Peregrine Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8797921Margaret Scott1944439 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3054Accepted
6754138Amy E. Landers196670 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324-6601Accepted
1508261Candice Grant Exley1945375 Bailey Plantation Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3024Accepted
1607855Patricia G. Sumner19447700 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324-3148Accepted
567764Mary L. Gillis19434 Willa Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8780351Chad Matthew Albertson1977768 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324-5213Accepted
10622388Hunter Sean Benbrooks199899 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8951692Melanie Catherine Shank1988171 Oak Side Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4263689Lisa Anne Tilly195715 Huntington Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3345794John Kennedy Williams IV1951687 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6215Canceled
1604695Beverly Jean Carpenter1957230 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324-3359Accepted
10777953Heather Michelle Eslick1973267 Cranston Bluff Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8745713Molly Goforth Mierke1972191 Old Mill Road W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6964705Ronald Boyd Myrick195638 David Myrick Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5140881Aabron Jude Eturralde197642 Gale Break Circle, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6418267Thomas Patrick Stack1935271 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7383759Toni Linda Rose1945168 Deer Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607575Charles Michael Harden19504491 Belfast River Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4590928Judith Kalita Denton1960107 Fernwood Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10410259Raymond Scott Talley1973111 Cranston Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1564044Penny Boice Morse1955565 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4627019Jerry E. Jones19577975 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5705556Harvey Ladon Williams1983281 Quail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607355Patricia Bashlor19406234 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324-3201Accepted
796228Susan Gomez Bell1950126 Hope Creek Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1528191Diane R. Fishback1944628 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324-5339Accepted
3675855Don Thomas Olliff1945760 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3040Canceled
3956610Heather M. Bloom Hernandez1977103 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7132968Evelene Faye Smith195688 Selina Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1606441Rebecca Black Sharpe1946477 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607630Ruth Jackson194545 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324-3222Accepted
1607639Vernon Jackson195355 Lee Road, Richmond hill 31324-3262Accepted
5392064Christopher James Pulliam198368 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10410256Kara Lee Talley1976111 Cranston Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4789048Letha Baker Singleton1944217 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3053Accepted
6555339Christopher Vankouwenberg1977432 Wilson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11347037Larry Alan Edwards196020 Egrets Way Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8690760Sara Elizabeth Bray Pulliam198068 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5773757Jessica Leigh Nash198433 Waters Cove, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11710662Katherine Emily Landers199970 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2578623Maryann Piech Hubbard1949155 Bent Tree Way, Richmond hill 31324-5305Canceled
6294775Cathy A. Kee1966148 Oakstead Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10897683Linda Louise Matuzsan1947113 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607543Paris D. Futch1957500 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324-3213Accepted
10240196Rudy Moreno197341 Waters Cove, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4939200Ana Julia Lyons1949244 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10528690Shelby Willis Cushing-Cruver1982275 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8928882Travis Gregory Morgan1976800 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8607549Torii Elizabeth Martinez1970181 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324-5453Accepted
2337630Gordon Dennis Browne1959550 Wilson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7240314Richard Vargas1976139 Oak Side Court, Richmond hill 31324-5356Accepted
10475574Teresa K. Hoefler1951215 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11810636Silvia Slutsky1978177 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10694029George Patrick Smith196336 Gale Break Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10694015Shiela Sida Smith198536 Gale Break Circle, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
1609952Jim M. Stewart195710 Oak Creek Court, Richmond hill 31324-5308Accepted
10671874Daniel Raum Walters IV1948769 Seascape Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1514314Richard Eugene Lyons1943244 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605022Norma Jean Walker193899 Pine Needly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5181888Robert Curtis Houston1960212 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7648322Daniel Adam Herndon1988199 Peregrine Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11341670Madison Carol Kornegay1999186 Oak Side Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7605340Amy Butler1968495 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606442Timothy Byron Sharpe1946477 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11514690Christine Ruth Tannheimer1981119 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11443987Hailey Aspen Rey1999221 Oak Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4833559Walter Edward Hodge195763 Egrets Way Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11736883Rosalyn Elaina Williams1983152 Peregrine Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8440702Kathryn Morgan Dixon1993222 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324-5218Accepted
11098338Jack Frederick Zellner1937195 Oak Ridge Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5620108Jeffrey Glen Combs1965118 Deer Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6276382Ashley Jill Williams1985281 Quail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6578977Drew Michael Cota1987730 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1585321Julie Morgan Smoak1961903 Seascape Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11090870Charis Ann Peterson1996217 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606442Timothy Byron Sharpe1946477 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7596747Vettie Roylene Nichols1973974 Tivoli Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6159569Darrell Foraker1960366 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607863Loan Thi Tidwell194860 Gill Road, Richmond hill 31324-3138Accepted
1606646Thomas Francis Walsh19512 Oak Creek Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
202399Elton Loy Cobb Jr.1944115 Heron View Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4461292Lisa Renee Hart1975251 Hope Creek Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7427517Andrew Scott Nash198133 Waters Cove, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4771367Carol Ann Cribbs19534880 Belfast Keller Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
2337631Rebekah Sue Browne1959550 Wilson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7564428Donna Lou Vargas1977139 Oak Side Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5677281Ruby Jean Gordon1960460 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3036Accepted
10626713Addison Elizabeth Cruver1987275 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
518031Lloyd Laverne Jones1947410 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1542961Sara Annette Youmans1963199 Cranston Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4067771Claude M. Youmans III1950199 Cranston Drive W., Richmond hill 31324-5202Canceled
4568743Jimmy Lee Gordon1959460 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3036Accepted
5046898Lorna M. Balser196383 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5128133Penny E. Edness195599 Jerico Trail, Richmond hill 31324-5266Accepted
4910046Ronald Bernard Wood195934 Oakstead Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3091Canceled
7086977Johnnie Earl Long Jr.194685 Oak Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324-5318Accepted
10848841Patricia Anne Barnett1939640 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5321738Floyd Dennis Sanders1958100 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8146082Johnathan Robert Gottlieb1979177 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609122Ray W. Ward1938860 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324-5214Canceled
1606607Mary Miley Traver1947568 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324-5211Accepted
5237879Jennifer Monika Durden1983588 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4563172James Michael Bradshaw194970 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3017Accepted
12290612James Edwin Ives1957562 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1538736Brenda G. Beasley1950270 Gill Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12074434Teresa Lynn Zimmer1970130 Bailey Plantation Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11532420Mark Gregory Williamson1958190 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6302078Brittney Nicole Bean Aldridge1986165 Belfast Pines Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10278590David Wayne Eslick1971267 Cranston Bluff Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8265033Kevin Dwyght Seymour II1991126 David Myrick Road, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
3590248Angela Strickland Kennedy1978190 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11552144Jade Boehmer1998233 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8072052Bernadine Ziol Robinson1942837 Seascape Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11319834Amy Jo Malloy1986165 Peregrine Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6213457Laura James1964236 Quail Road, Richmond hill 31324-3141Accepted
8848395Rashaun Denise Rawls199345 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10050588Susan Kennedy Johnson1951723 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10678438James Gregory Defelice1945114 Cranston Drive E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7962924Suzanne L. Simmons194335 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1587475William Robert Reed193536 Marsh Hen Court, Richmond hill 31324-5297Accepted
7787563James Milton Brinson1935101 Heron View Court, Richmond hill 31324-5283Accepted
1609479William Russell Webb19685 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10375097Landon Brett Smoak1996903 Seascape Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1567585Mary Nell Kennedy1928170 Oakstead Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3088Accepted
1607862Dwaine H. Tidwell194260 Gill Road, Richmond hill 31324-3138Accepted
5083247Juan Francisco Hernandez1974103 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7387829Davis Abt198798 Peregrine Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1611268Larry Bernard Goggins1941177 Proman Hill Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11762730Tina Diane Blount1957145 Oakstead Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10398037Sylvia Sue Metcalf195555 Oak Ridge Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
490446Haroldeen McElveen Hart1941108 Old Mill Road W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6738776Ernest Gregson Dale1931230 Oak Ridge Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6717090Mariana Christina Cota1987730 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6210Accepted
5233519James Harley III19817975 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324-3150Accepted
6208535Broyce Rivers Mattox196199 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324-5448Accepted
11266191Avery Mills Mierke1999191 Old Mill Road W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604110Margaret P. Clark1953868 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324-5214Canceled
5780245Lee Birdsong Menzoff1953270 Oak Ridge Circle, Richmond hill 31324-5371Accepted
8787022Cecilia Eggleston Haborak1941775 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6211Accepted
11842057Patricio Sanchez1958284 Oak Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8739845Kaththea Marie Brown197042 Huntington Court S., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7954880Elizabeth Marie Millsap198320 Huntington Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5769104Cheryl Williams Futch1956500 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607765Linda Sherrell Olliff1950760 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3040Canceled
1607471Willa Erle Cox1945328 Wilson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1105652Cheryl D. Capers1944287 Oak Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
180180Raby Jackson195790 Oakcrest Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5882691Karen Elaine Rogers1962325 Gill Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6737007Thomas Frederick Landers196570 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324-6601Accepted
1611098Ida M. Sapp1957139 Pine Needly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607387Beatrice J. Brown193975 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324-3222Accepted
1609125Mona Ford Stembridge195189 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5181892Shaun M. Blackwell Houston1952212 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10685552Jennifer Granville Moreno197241 Waters Cove, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6035214David Ranney James1963236 Quail Road, Richmond hill 31324-3141Accepted
10969720Mary A. Ann Schlernitzauer1966422 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604185Ferrell A. Dixon Jr.1959222 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6651617Patricia O. Bashlor19617056 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8072114Gilbert Lewis Robinson1941837 Seascape Drive, Richmond hill 31324-5251Canceled
5620Lois Campbell Binns193229 Cranston Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1528579John Manson Owens III1944232 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324-5225Accepted
8117453Kathy Ovada Perdue19485080 Belfast Keller Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4183124Becky P. Warren19525080 Belfast Keller Road, Richmond hill 31324-5319Accepted
10685117Carol Baldwin Defelice1945114 Cranston Drive E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8743304Samuel Warren Jones1954662 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6214Canceled
1142698Theodore L. Parrish1932155 Gill Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8607546Jesus Martinez Jr.1970181 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3424466Derrick Allen Cowart1962109 Belfast Pines Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7426584Megan Elizabeth Sullivan198492 Moonlight Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607656Margaret A. Jones19327975 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3573708Cheryl Ruth Willoughby195330 Oak Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324-5301Accepted
6386636Elizabeth Anne Norman196494 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6200Accepted
1577108Anthony Michael Beasley1962110 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
791561Sharon Turner Cobb1944115 Heron View Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8937926Donald Franklin Smallwood1956128 Amberly Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1606551James L. Steyaart1940780 Tivoli Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324-5349Accepted
1608535Sharon E. Worsham1954115 Oak Side Court, Richmond hill 31324-5356Canceled
10897669Michael Matuzsan1944113 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10242562Rose Marie Johnson19644558 Belfast River Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11953927Myron Nigel Williams196971 Bent Tree Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6988570Debra Ann Bolling195952 Oak Creek Court, Richmond hill 31324-5308Accepted
4677727Mario Incorvaia1972310 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3163Accepted
5321227Henry O'Neal Jr.194894 Huntington Court S., Richmond hill 31324-3068Accepted
5146371Ricardo E. Lyons-Alvarez1981244 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7163273Susan Corene Jones1956410 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2718879Joyce Lippa1947611 Wilson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7086970Duanna Jeanne Long194785 Oak Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324-5318Accepted
1559858Mary Perry Grissom1932499 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6209Accepted
6648742Wallace Earl Holland Jr.1951320 Old Mill Road E., Richmond hill 31324-5249Canceled
8619693Kadesha Tamaria Sanders1994100 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5320775Sandra E. Simmons Sanders1961100 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6923615Robin Renee Correll1958210 Belfast Pines Drive, Richmond hill 31324-5232Accepted
8391518Sharon Marie Teate1961757 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8396094Michael Alan Littlefield1962757 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6211Accepted
11541226Alexander James Littlefield1999757 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607463Cox J.C. Jr.1943328 Wilson Road, Richmond hill 31324-3157Accepted
1606606Charles William Traver1944568 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4686868Frances Ward Twomey1945460 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324-5210Canceled
10434452Belinda Phillips Walters1951769 Seascape Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10687680James Cameron Brown199673 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
5555995Christa Burnette Martin1955195 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324-5453Canceled
6582112Danielle Louise Wadsworth1975343 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324-3341Accepted
7291044Debra Darlene Vonschade195580 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324-6601Accepted
12062314Christopher Michael Zimmer1968130 Bailey Plantation Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8461324Julian Allen Clark Jr.1977868 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609050Raymond L. Altman Sr.1937306 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324-3330Accepted
1077678Doris Proman195167 Proman Hill Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11750621Ra'andrea Tra'nise Rawls200045 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10244955Titus Snavely1995111 Cranston Drive E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610817Cheri Joan Newbury197050 Proman Hill Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7925556Campbell Whitney Jackson195070 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1608993Marvin W. Tillman19404613 Belfast River Road, Richmond hill 31324-5741Accepted
1142697Lynrose M. Parrish1932155 Gill Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6418302Vecynthia Alicia Parker197945 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324-3222Accepted
4018509Pammy Y. Elam1961460 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3105Canceled
1564045William J. Morse III1952565 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1218313Melanie Barton Combs1973118 Deer Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7755600Cynthia Jones Brinson1953101 Heron View Court, Richmond hill 31324-5283Accepted
1607841Ray Chandlar Smith1952595 Tranquilla Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10279932Angela Marie Abreu Murphy1977149 Egrets Way Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606645Shea Blanchette Walsh19512 Oak Creek Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2242208Christina Lynn Knight1975432 Wilson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1543122Cynthia L. Lazenby1963336 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11727663Dean G. Hart1963251 Hope Creek Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12184242Krysta Hartley1994204 Oak Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2553243Lynda S. Adamson1942121 Old Mill Road W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8623793Jonathan Lloyd Jones1983410 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6956744Dee Baldwin Stephens1966265 St. Catherine Court, Richmond hill 31324-5460Accepted
6115611Gregg David Walther1956649 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10625248Jennifer Marie Landers199770 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6798908Jerry Micheal Wiseman196052 Fernwood Court, Richmond hill 31324-3090Accepted
7958628Philip Marc Cirocco1961535 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8730212Brian Neal Brown197742 Huntington Court S., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11098339Betty Russell Zellner1937195 Oak Ridge Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4018509Pammy Y. Elam1961460 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3105Accepted
10671312Gail Roberta Shoemaker1940147 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10495075Patricia Ann Hewitt19544815 Belfast River Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607345Jean Hammond Bailey194745 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1608968Mary Elizabeth Garrett1946742 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12162037Pamela J. Eisenhart194877 Egrets Way Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7678726Martha Livesay Chapman198160 Oakcrest Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5755001Timothy Stuart Sandlin1960325 Gill Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12232992Andre' Michael Sanders2000100 Knollwood Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2620510Patricia Denton Pflieger194342 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6502802Ovie Robert Sapp1949139 Pine Needly Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3338Canceled
10671292Earl Cattell Shoemaker1931147 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6442676Charles Wesley Lesperance198521 Quail Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10431938Genna Claire Denton1997107 Fernwood Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7338486Jeffery A. Bolling196652 Oak Creek Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605380Lila M. Blocker193895 Old Mill Road W., Richmond hill 31324-5224Accepted
10848847Gregory Stephen Hnylka1959164 Oak Creek Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604186Peggy Dixon1959222 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324-5218Canceled
5769298Walter Adam Davis194025 Woodland Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7318720Scott Benjamin Teder1977710 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2437933David Harry Pflieger193542 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324-5272Accepted
1584880Roy Elbert Hubbard Jr.1939155 Bent Tree Way, Richmond hill 31324-5305Canceled
703785Donald Brown Newbury193950 Proman Hill Road, Richmond hill 31324-3292Accepted
5073345Margaret Piercy Harden1943200 Old Mill Road W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7803190Betty Hawk Dale1934230 Oak Ridge Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7318717Linda Elizabeth Cirocco1954535 Buckland Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607804Linda Sauls194715 Willa Road, Richmond hill 31324-3343Accepted
8069321David Paul Sohayda19764774 Belfast Keller Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11937605William Ethan Webb20005 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4166280Greg Kulper197365 Oak Ridge Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11907848Jackson Rhys Norman200094 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6228460Denise Marie Robertroy196270 Huntington Court N., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5809734Timothy Allen Robinett1963404 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11891892Richard Alan Blount1958145 Oakstead Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607617Clarence Jackson Jr.194123 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324-3222Accepted
1604938Debra Lynn Stewart195810 Oak Creek Court, Richmond hill 31324-5308Accepted
1604259James Roy Gill1952130 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3196Canceled
8260009Montez Lydell Johnson19604558 Belfast River Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8743814Peter Frederick Mierke1971191 Old Mill Road W., Richmond hill 31324-5279Accepted
11601036Carly Michael Vargas2000139 Oak Side Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7362909Oral Coward196515 Knollwood Court S., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610887Louis M. Smith Jr.19628722 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1526400Betty S. Jackson195070 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324-3223Accepted
5804778Denise Marie Wiseman196152 Fernwood Court, Richmond hill 31324-3090Accepted
1605523Vickie Ann Cox1954330 Jerico Trail, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3382183Burnard Clifton Exley1940375 Bailey Plantation Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3024Accepted
1607343Duane E. Bailey194645 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324-3329Accepted
5224377Nancy Kay Herzer1952139 Kelly Davis Road, Richmond hill 31324-3357Canceled
6189607Eugene Franklin Thompson194154 Bea Road, Richmond hill 31324-3326Accepted
5327419Jason Daniel Lyons197465 Quail Road, Richmond hill 31324-3142Canceled
8518433Joseph Lyn Girard1993649 Cartertown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12246487Greyson Timothy Hendricks2001584 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607833Alonzo Augustus Singleton195589 Lee Road, Richmond hill 31324-3262Accepted
11570179Cameron Hartley1994204 Oak Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12291075Daed Yousef Jaber1981160 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11718613Olivia Parrish Bell2000900 Tivoli Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604747Lynn B. Williams1958687 Marshview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607632Sandra D. Rawls196945 Jackson Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1608599Jack L. Flowers1940256 Waterford Landing Road, Richmond hill 31324-5209Accepted
5769300Joan Sumner Davis193225 Woodland Way, Richmond hill 31324-3077Accepted
7288913Kellie Brooke Dixon1989222 Jerico Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12009593Sarah Adams Murray1972114 Egrets Way Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6079628Georgette Pauline Richardson1956370 Bailey Plantation Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted



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