
Savannah Standard

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bryan County - Precinct 4 issued 412 absentee ballots in the general election

Vote 13

Bryan County - Precinct 4 issued 412 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Bryan County - Precinct 4 voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
1558605Donna McGraw Christiansen1952166 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607487Rosa Davis19481852 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324-3210Accepted
12178076Duane Dean Held1965285 Ohara Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7594485James Franklin Clark Jr.1959150 Peartree Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3072Accepted
11093666David Brennan Baird1998365 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12088385Marianne Elizabeth Held1966285 Ohara Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607726Catherine Morris1938188 Dixie Road, Richmond hill 31324-3010Accepted
10321071Bernadette Rudolph Johnson1958223 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11669697Kaliyah Monica Mitchell1988651 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11719015Joseph Michael Smithers2000255 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8545404Wykella Latrice Patrick1992685 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10414762Cody Arthur Lassiter199532 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11533516Lena Lorraine Corral1976984 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5642584Audrey G. Rogers1985970 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11338762Deandra Lekoa Brown1996173 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4393836Jeffrey Alan Uhl1966198 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324-7235Accepted
11485293Javier Corral1968984 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7277822Tanya Pia198932 Edie Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7392309Bridgette Marie Mills19688 Cheney Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11430696Erika E. Martin1976245 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11003965Mirna Diaz1976859 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12249796Jc Edward Baty Jr.1962203 Byron Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1553628Wanda Denise Dixon1963944 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6649638Joel Ray Flores Pia196332 Edie Court, Richmond hill 31324-7223Canceled
1552254Eddie R. Robertson1944201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10854915Kevin Zhu199888 Nelson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3306764Michelle Lynn Dumpe1954799 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11593732Francis Xavier Pham2000315 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10278402Yusemi Mondragon Wheeler199625 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3369436Linda Eileen Carrao195550 Peartree Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8536105Jong-Yeob Shin196679 Byron Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6663519Sophia Lorand Davis1968618 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324-7208Accepted
6806374Timothy Charles Fluent195198 Nelson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5981480Robert George Strickland1944123 Edie Court, Richmond hill 31324-7226Canceled
4234963Lori M. Davis1961835 Hueguinea Road, Richmond hill 31324-6319Accepted
5268947Steven Darnell Bashlor196044 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1564561Carrie Renee Gonzalez1973140 Willow Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10324259Lourdes Annette Sylla1981273 Ohara Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8494277Elizabeth Leigh Baker1967901 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
1607537Pamela Elaine Prince19601688 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12007617Breanna Giachinta199437 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11344255Rebekah Grace Wilder1999226 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11254858Shivani Patel1993310 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6663521Gregory Alfred Davis1964618 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7031043Gabrielle Helen Williams198756 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607586Jeanette Haymans19371057 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6648063Adolph Nelson193228 Laurel Street, Richmond hill 31324-3614Canceled
7812542Bobbie Ann Webster1960137 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3342974Michael Joseph Bronson1977365 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4464246Cheri Lee Quayle195840 Cheney Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3892826Randa Marie Bronson1977365 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610105Patricia L. Sweat19531248 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324-3086Canceled
12249793Laurie Christy Baty1956203 Byron Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6730325Lavon Jade Youins198832 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11645430Wesley Milligan1988150 Blue Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6606273Keith Alan McGee1962275 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6998441Bessie Dumas Edelen1942201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6269387Juanita Walker Denson1936788 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1559432Gwendolyn M. Sanders1952368 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324-5292Canceled
7972423Charles Patrick Thompson197665 Spruce Street, Richmond hill 31324-3607Accepted
8401194Samantha Kendra Pia199232 Edie Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6646349Beatrice Pia195332 Edie Court, Richmond hill 31324-7223Canceled
6209041Donald Patterson1964218 Hall Street, Richmond hill 31324-7244Canceled
7812877Juliet Marjorie Reid195888 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12313050Sarah Nicole Quayle200140 Cheney Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7775254Dawn MacK Robertson1964201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3257377Sandra Kathryn Vasher1961169 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10574552Damarcus Patterson1997218 Hall Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607460Sallie Mae Cowart19521626 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324-3209Accepted
12155328Abraham Yeijong Song2001200 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10849526Maria A. Catibog1969925 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7726244Candace Renee Webster1982137 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6658089Ellis Arnold Phillips194275 Camellia Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607545Gloria Doan Clark Galbreath19481060 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1610431Roger Arnold Jernigan1965136 Rosemont Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7828250Loarina Cepero1973235 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607645Irene Melinda Jenkins19471620 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10085822Jenny Shealy Basie1978604 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12308503Anthony Coppage1972430 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11616687Megan Nicole Bausch199917 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11092707John Daniel Kelly Jr.1966345 Chestnut Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12214077Danny Mateo Rebolledo200049 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11092708Stefanie Melisa Kelly1973345 Chestnut Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5660043Patricia M. Shelton1944201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10108608Carolyn Rebecca Smith19741582 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7411354Ethel Miller Morykon1929143 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7812390Vennis Anthony Reid195688 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324-7613Canceled
8104118Justin Lionel Cardiff198832 Cheney Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6647734Janie Louise Phillips194575 Camellia Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11097505Dionne Patrisa Brown1970173 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1562193Barry Richard Doepp1957925 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324-6436Canceled
1577304Cynthia E.S. Dunham1967116 Nelson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6202661Linda Kay Maloch Hopkins194990 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11921449Deborah F. Barnwell1961201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7659018Karen Plummer196599 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8476548Ariana Shatae Jones199390 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10668652Vivian Lorraine Clark1950105 Ola Clark Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11182778Yusef Jamel Scott1999757 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1570933Judith Wilkins Crawford194584 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4797668Sallie Ann Battle1938134 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11535079Nicolas Alexander Phifer20008 Dee Henderson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8831807Kim Lee Whyte197040 Patton Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10686231Marcus Kevin Thompson1976168 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11418763Esperanza Anjelica Otero1999157 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11319615Joshua M. Catibog1999925 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12015363Ramon Gil Santiago1981469 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10672654Kyle Marcus Whyte199740 Patton Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3306750David Albert Dumpe1954799 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607317Oliver Lee Cowart Jr.19491620 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324-3209Accepted
10776113Michelle Marie Davis1960201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5617090Jennifer Lynn Golphin196580 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324-7203Canceled
8556762Kenneth Earle Goodell195050 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11602529Elise Shalom Sunshine Martin2000245 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11799890Renee Bundy1974155 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3876783Karen M. Stagemyer1947201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1549574Linda Thomas1955201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11602499David Joshua London1999184 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10074838Rachel Ainsley Davis1995835 Hueguinea Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7929247Nina Ellen Ray1951147 Laurel Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10834614Nguyen Lam1995133 Richmond Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11949704Grace Elizabeth Kiser2000667 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6384637Wanda F. Tuma1944145 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10541594James Jackson1944119 Nelson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12013989Robert Thomas Cummings19782005 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6122984Michael Rodger Daly1954590 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8734058Marketta Kasandra Moore1985290 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10959851Samantha Nicole Smithers1997255 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6918280Brian Michael Perkins1982928 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11907988Jacob Uhl1995198 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11461534Rachel Lee Quayle199940 Cheney Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11930150Donna Jean Goralzick1936144 Williams Avenue, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6528845Donal Gerard Bushong1981240 Abbey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6999261John Ervin Phifer Jr.19678 Dee Henderson Drive, Richmond hill 31324-7602Accepted
4910049Anthony Mills19628 Cheney Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7370626Janet Rae Buelow1956576 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4744307Christina M. Marie Welch1981240 Abbey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12260354Ana Rodriguez1957159 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11733055Heather Elizabeth Kovacs1974320 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12288705Lance Gill Longgrear2001501 White Oak Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6618610Amanda Irene Cadena1972245 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8536101Kyungja Park Shin196779 Byron Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12278847Cassidy Yewon Shin200179 Byron Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8494280Nan Eleanor Baker1940901 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607536Mary Fulwood19371688 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324-3209Accepted
8939438Diana Anderson Lyde1971152 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324-3789Canceled
5501238Stacey Moebes Wilder1968226 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12228657Joshua Samson Tapper1995170 Hall Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8736826Carl Marcus Whyte197140 Patton Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6384683Ronnie Lynn Tuma1945145 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4234970Weston S. Davis1955835 Hueguinea Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
639274Eileen A. Jackson1944119 Nelson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604212Elizabeth J. England1936127 Laurel Street, Richmond hill 31324-3615Accepted
1610092Wanda Callaway1951127 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604396Mattie L. Hunter1942107 Spruce Street, Richmond hill 31324-3606Canceled
1604069Audley Gerald Butler1944178 Oleander Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7658413Melvin Delaney Johnson Jr.1989223 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10954741Kimberly Mayo1967109 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604073Sandra Thompson Butler1948178 Oleander Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607547Roland Edward Galbreath196595 Mullino Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607771Mary S. Charlene Phillips1962167 Forest Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5069968Etta Marie Harper1943354 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11934888Arletha Mae Wright1940127 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4390939Katherine Lynn Uhl1967198 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324-7235Accepted
5778161Anthony Ralph Rogers1985970 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6605144Holly Marie McGee1964275 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10945835Nicole Renee Wong1981260 Willow Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6986579Beverly Jean Fluent195498 Nelson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8679536Jaydene Antoinette Lujan Ikegwuonu197964 Patton Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10714937Randall Glen Pinckney1958209 Abbey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6268147Joseph Sebastian Colon196076 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10639419Michael Nikiete Kohio198048 Patton Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8796442Natasha Monique Webster1980137 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324-7205Accepted
3558008Essie Davis Johnson1961197 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324-3679Accepted
11430670James Andrew Dvorak1971245 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6653576Stephanie Ann Miller19661852 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6719611Pok Suk Youins195532 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324-7613Accepted
7911824Brenda Elaine Price1953757 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324-7234Canceled
8223174Marcia Russell Lawrence1947201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11210782Christopher Robin Alden198056 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607503Delynn M. Elmore195433 Rosemont Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1077910Allen N. Golphin195780 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324-7203Canceled
8277612Robert Dean Ransdell1934216 Richmond Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11817336Kathleen Lauren Devlin1987646 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
6506390Rodney Lamont Elliott196980 Abbey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7736775Stuart Kent1990100 Rosemont Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10201866Patricia Keith Wall196536 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12032813Matthew Anthony Giachinta199337 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11540894Amanda Christine Ha Brooks1999158 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607344Earline Smith Bailey1936140 Dixie Road, Richmond hill 31324-3010Accepted
10686424Abby Hollmen Owen1981170 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8168947Ashley Nicole Kent1990100 Rosemont Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5451047Ned Gordon Christiansen1947166 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11658108Susan Bolton1945492 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607496Nancy D. Bride1954469 Dixie Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7401922Juanita Marianena Reno197180 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324-7613Canceled
11806561Jadon Domingo Hollins-Reno200080 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12165042Victor Jerome Cozart1959134 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10575172Jefanie Amira Pillai1997181 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5769065Jonathan W. Torrescano1984384 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5712683Melissa Kay Lewis Torrescano1985384 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8713290Chad Ryan Tollison198425 Chestnut Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11696333Derek Lamont Brown1972173 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1518607John Joseph Lipsky196954 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6397115Jaime R. Thompson197765 Spruce Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1532056Karen S. Brinson194236 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6209028Classie Marie Patterson1964218 Hall Street, Richmond hill 31324-7244Canceled
3511142Terrence Darnell Johnson1964197 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324-3679Accepted
1607399Dentis Ray Burford1956205 Scriven Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5109603Jaclyn Therese Scott1982973 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10230809Jordan Patrick Richardson1995190 Williams Avenue, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11660737Carol Renee Chapman1962133 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3948701Anita Louise Futch1947201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1545119Luvenia Harris Gordon1939917 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324-7242Accepted
1070875Jeanne S. Jones1948118 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6269379Ernest Denson Jr.1943788 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5307782Richard L. Jones1947118 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7865642Roger Hunter Jernigan1990136 Rosemont Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607725Willie James Morgan1943746 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1446307Ashley A. Robinson Fisher1971175 Abbey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607285John P. Bride Jr.1953469 Dixie Road, Richmond hill 31324-3013Accepted
12211540Christopher Walter Cook197525 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7279411Emily Diana Stephens198912 Nelson Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3681Canceled
10189332Mary Teresa Doepp1996925 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7729090Shailesh P. Patel1961310 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11519804Deanna Amera Lyde1999152 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12237287Steven Stout196542 Dee Henderson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12017534Violet Haici Song199625 Valley Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4948904Payton Denise Dilmar1981469 Dixie Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5630821Guy Piatti1966966 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11484689Shirley Marie O'Neal196911 Exchange Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8882557Caitlin Rae Jensen1994200 Oleander Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5624724Deena Michelle Tech1984200 Lindsey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10615127Michelle Wall199736 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11540896Brenda Jo Brooks1967158 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10306454Pamela Florence Misuraca1947328 Ohara Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1562194Elizabeth S. Doepp1959925 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324-6436Canceled
920419Paul Anderson Bundy1967155 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604601Marlin Doyle Miller19671806 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324-3210Accepted
1571541Patricia A. Gaines1950201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6102080Lynette Erica Daly1951590 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3638068Howard Micheal Thompson194665 Spruce Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11893364Emily Frances Milligan1987150 Blue Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8142785Janeen H. Rosenberg1952176 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10480038Alfred Maurice Jackson Jr.1960367 Abbey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6705086Kathleen Geiger Phillips198673 Second Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11338763Desmond Lamont Brown1998173 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607608Margaret Hogan1943168 Dixie Road, Richmond hill 31324-3010Accepted
1553943Ella Mae Jones1947944 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607699Jacqueline Yvonne Miller19411806 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324-3210Canceled
6060642John Henry Scott III1981973 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10338968Jermaine Kentrell Carter1981690 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8679544Collins C. Ikegwuonu197864 Patton Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7679310Deric Godfrey X196711 Exchange Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5539767David Nathaniel Reid198488 Patriot Drive, Richmond hill 31324-7613Accepted
6892013Catherine Mercedes Otero1971157 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7396181Aaron Joshua Vanallen1988295 Abbey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8178101Payal Jaymin Patel1991141 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8452218Erin Michelle Todd199265 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7227458Katherine Gnann Rollison1947201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4460348Keith Cowart19751626 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324-3209Accepted
1604410Jodie R. Jernigan1965136 Rosemont Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604257Heather G. Gill1970880 White Oak Lane, Richmond hill 31324-3383Accepted
12012660Bessie Anne Pena White199110 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11576977Miranda Kaley Burgstiner2000100 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1072381Pearl R. Pinckney1961127 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2244110Amy Burgstiner Braddock1977100 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12107700Eliana Stout198042 Dee Henderson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
11907765Victoria Brilynn Maner2001770 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11320085Robert Joseph Brooks1964158 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5882982Judith Antoinette Tapper1966170 Hall Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6164618Kelly Lynn Swauger1980134 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10574538Ishani S. Patel1997310 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7933800Jonathan Benton Tapper1990170 Hall Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8908205Darren Anthony Lyde1966152 Parker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607522Diane Fulwood19691688 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8677171Varsha S. Patel1968310 Canyon Oak Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8715456Garry Stephen Parks195243 Richmond Way, Richmond hill 31324-3691Accepted
4800237Rufus Battle Jr.1933134 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1577305Darryl Dunham1965116 Nelson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8336023Ella Mae Clark1964640 Daniel Siding Loop Road, Richmond hill 31324-3242Accepted
6647620Diane Martha Turner195244 Carter Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11566596Shawn Michael Smithers1973255 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11930240Kristen Lynne Smithers1970255 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12012632Victor Manuel Wong Jr.1973260 Willow Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11518329Zachariah Judah Martin1999245 Savannah Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4061896Bonnie Alderman Boucher193448 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324-7203Accepted
10630770Jacquelyn Yuechen Buelow1998576 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4238025Evelyn D. Griffin1950201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7316240Jose Edgardo Catibog1965925 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7408757Darryc Wayne Webster1960137 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6604501Pauline Ann Phifer19668 Dee Henderson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12275024Aris Altagracia Rosario1936159 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1559414Barbara Hutchinson Rodgers1943201 Kroger Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12097890Sandra Louise Derienzo19401070 Rushing Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8916352Rebecca Ann Martin1990134 Camellia Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7279411Emily Diana Stephens198912 Nelson Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3681Accepted
11978248Dequiala Dominique Kelly200079 Steven Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12239394Sam Patel19621008 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
334228Harriett L. Turner193650 Taylor Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607545Gloria Doan Clark Galbreath1948746 Clarktown Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10931094Waltraut E. Piatti1952966 Young Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5204168Eric Lepatrick Jones1971173 Hall Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607409Melvin J. Campbell1948837 White Oak Lane, Richmond hill 31324-3382Accepted



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