
Savannah Standard

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bryan County - Precinct 8 issued 1,014 absentee ballots in the general election

Vote 2

Bryan County - Precinct 8 issued 1,014 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Bryan County - Precinct 8 voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
10463579Martha Burke Perkins1946141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609031Judy M. Peterman194870 Marsh Cove, Richmond hill 31324-6017Accepted
11820743Hueston Thomas Blalock1992355 Ridgewood Park N Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12017968Matthew Edward Grant Whiteherse198045 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10715221Diana Lee Neal1989164 Richmond Walk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1587264Sandra R. Mahoney1943141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12069350Maria Pagan-Collazo V1971409 Ferguson Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1527131Eldridge Craig Wright19672345 Kingswood Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7721740Heather Lea Gillespie1975137 Charlies Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5794715Heather Lucille Vanags198580 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5791919Jonas A. Vanags198080 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5298226Deborah Dianne Reece195311 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605361William H. Benton1946103 Miller Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4840Accepted
1609473Ralph R. Chapman Sr.194046 Oyster House Road, Richmond hill 31324-6134Canceled
1606231Iris Runette Parker194317883 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324-5518Accepted
10240579Megan Capobianco Pearson19801975 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8941449Kameron Solomon Myers1995235 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11392674Wayne Sheldon Whiting Sr.195980 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11257216Robert Dean Kelley19681087 Kingswood Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10607676Nicholas James Lynes199722642 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10136337Anne Elaine Hutain1935177 Gandy Cut, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1109865Joseph Leon Baggarley1932330 Warnell Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604092Dorita R. Casey19501076 Belfast Keller Road, Richmond hill 31324-5031Accepted
10571992Danielle Latrice Hawkins1995155 Bowridge Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12032804Ashley Kate Carnot1984190 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10151957Wendyhani Arroyo1976125 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11718840Corey Heard Humphrey1978145 Shelton Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2679366Thomas Michael Harris1959202 Crawford Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5262157Abby Blane Owens19833654 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11379842Aline Masheya Lis1981569 Hogan Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12063592Varee Latasha Ann Roberson1976815 Ferguson Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4984609Cray Travis Morse19821939 Castle Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3694732Joan S. Osteen195071 Harvey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4846Canceled
6401762Elena Kelly Nock196522532 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4824190Robert Washington19422494 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324-5621Accepted
10668206Donald Kenneth Chapman192878 Montauk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3342550Aundrea Yvette Leon1968250 Smoke Rise Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11652227Ashley Noelle Johnson1999262 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12010456Joan Eunice McKoy1950128 McDuffie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
270684Louise M. Carlson1933141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8723259Jonatan Gonzalez1969261 Cottonham Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3448103William Robert Charles Olsen1952360 Warnell Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10293812Hector L. Sierra Almedina1971145 Wildlife View Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10084051Kimberly Diane Williams196729 Triston Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6933532Tamitha Hixson Doyon1976125 Smoke Rise Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8209283Leslie Denise Hudson1970941 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11802656Andy Minh Hoang1970469 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7092228Melinda Renee Carter1948145 Demeries Lake Lane, Richmond hill 31324-9613Accepted
7291287Ariel Quintero1971133 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2267731Trudy Lynn Dennis195452 Pulaksi Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3737630Nils H. Anderson196780 Cherry Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12069466Lawrence Keith Farmer1979407 Ferguson Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5784492Raymond Bryan Harvey Jr.1985137 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11557735Sara Elizabeth Madsen1992210 Kepler Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5894222Rebecca Sweeney Krokoski1979311 Montauk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1372590Karen Hall Burnsed19433633 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10673595Doris Virginia Koch1945310 Ridgewood Park N Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605855Deanna Durard Hartley1948254 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7779334Delynn M. Kelley1946201 Starr Creek Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609641Robert Woodrow Wilson1940213 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1606120Annette Mitchell194268 Seneca Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1539156Jane N. Jameson1936141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606014Barry W. Lee1953161 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4914Canceled
10150822Audrey King Holifield193815 Rountree Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11100951Christine Reeves Strigaro19856 Shetland Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1563079Sheryl Lodge Baldwin195259 Calendon Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11522467Jonathan Ryan Baker198191 McCrady Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5904802Ayana Tahirah Pusha1982260 Blackjack Oak Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7415391Timothy R. Montgomery196775 Golden Rod Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609168Arthur J. Riggs Jr.195256 Indian Cove Lane, Richmond hill 31324-6020Canceled
1536299Linda Celestia Waters1939141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606115Betty Joyce Miner193322966 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11569958Melony Lynn Righter1978190 Wildlife View Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604287Lorraine Gail Greene1941152 Fancy Hall Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8931764Frederick Jefferson Sanders Jr.194689 Palmer Place, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8160635Shelley Jefferson Johnson195023351 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10545872Angela Renee Williams-Barnes1966204 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11098312Minaben R. Patel1961345 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1587264Sandra R. Mahoney1943141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12237602Lily Ann Buchholz200195 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11557735Sara Elizabeth Madsen1992210 Kepler Loop, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3645018Stephanie Renee Woodruff1977309 Timberland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12244698Jennifer Catherine Ziomek2000431 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1038175Pat R. Patterson193720 Teachers Row, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605715Rebecca M. Forbes194431 Oyster House Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6133Accepted
10530932Anabel Perez197085 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11482851Tammy St Lawrence Canfield1969270 Waterways Parkway S Parkway, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10428583Linda Joanne Fuller1964240 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2906497Mark Edwin Willett195193 Amarula Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11637835Luis Manuel Molinari Ferrer1977449 Kingswood Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8935504James Pigula1958240 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1566165Miriam Jan Close1949252 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4912Accepted
10860765Rachel Perry Koster198590 Shelton Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11522464Sharon Rae Baker198091 McCrady Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1567782Robert Tyler Mock1936108 Marsh Cove, Richmond hill 31324-6033Accepted
3770600Gerhard Gunther Brosam19482599 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2694896Vicki Smith Williams1960360 Blackjack Oak Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8571380Renard Arkeem Mitchell1993160 Mitchell Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610046Kathleen N. Farr1954264 Montauk Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4921Accepted
10671467James Samuel Starr193620119 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10931182Pamela Grace Peros-Henderson19741980 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2111976Gladys Stewart195411 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1606642Wendy Nelson Bolton195943 Miller Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1528940Ursula Michelle Wright19672345 Kingswood Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4472354Jackie Melinda Bush19731689 Harris Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5198474Jennifer Banks Griner1983125 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10759385Jason Patrick Wenner198690 Harvey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605417Mary E. Brown19281930 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610299Joann M. Adams19383443 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324-4815Accepted
11000728Nancy Lee Bacenas1944214 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10265953Preston Dean Smith196153 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12299643Cassandra Diane Boston Worthy196411 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3864779Richard Edward Brown194240 Grace Court, Richmond hill 31324-4812Accepted
4159160Daniel Frank Porter196011 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1570189Mary Frances Lee193811 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10261281Gloria Selette Smith197553 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1109913Ruth Allen Baggarley1933330 Warnell Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7755924Otis Devillars1933840 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324-4223Accepted
11098531Jamira Williams1987525 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12063694Larry Alexander Johnson1974815 Ferguson Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605109Vincent J. Zambito1948185 Css Nashville Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604537Carmen R. Lynes195122642 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324-5803Canceled
4846545Lawrence H. Oeltze1948211 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4873Canceled
11559113Devin Alec Rodgers1999311 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2536834Kathryn Harris1959202 Crawford Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11520045Alma Murphy Welbon1948104 Grey Ghost Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10854856April MacK198210 Sail Maker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11860625Erin Leighnae Borchert1977197 Grey Ghost Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8925113Adam Blake Hayes1984240 Smoke Rise Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605735Bonnie Lynn Hiers1956461 Starr Creek Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6835795Helen Anderson Allen192911 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7407269Michael Sibilio Jr.197922426 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1372690Herbert Franklin Burnsed Jr.19433633 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606090Carolyn Meguiar1948160 Silverstream Lane, Richmond hill 31324-9202Accepted
12081548Lauren Kelley Herzog197975 Dove Drake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8951604Emma Isabel Breto1983115 Richmond Walk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5098900Teresa Ann Roman1960892 Belfast River Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7323546Olugbenga A. Awe1964220 Beckley Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10384706Luke Daniel Krautter198497 Lonnie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5379596Wilson Lucky1969100 Kepler Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6648086David Allen Vaughan1947192 Lake Lilly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12308197Zixin Chen200136 Triston Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10115814Calvin Cornelius Law Jr.1963167 Timberland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11024160Floyd A. Samuels19621557 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7803827Michael Anthony Devillars1959840 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324-4223Accepted
10702929Bria Rachel White19971411 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5433155Stephen Elliott Blessing1977120 Wildlife View Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12005942Torrey Lamont Gray1971407 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605190Kenneth A. Duncan1948238 Warnell Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
617371Mitylene Agee Cleghorn1942141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324-9439Accepted
1605858Eric Boykin Hartley1944254 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4912Canceled
12009552Mathew Anthony Mathews194121849 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11518337Thuy Hung Nguyen194450 Bowridge Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5494657Harold Joseph Cronk II198268 Gallie Cut, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8616709Gary Edward Hofeling19621016 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605843Linda Myers Harn1944279 Montauk Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5423868Francis Aloysius McNall194150 Demeries Creek Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
617370James Edward Cleghorn1938141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324-9439Accepted
1606516Mitchell Wilford Spell19422017 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607886Beatrice Boles Simmons1952927 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
2267346Judith Bonner Lockhart1951119 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604174Richard R. Davis1935271 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1611312Michael J. Gilmore1939183 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6115Accepted
1057569Mary Nail Ayers1938141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11801486Kimberly Ann Wandel1953331 Silverstream Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
566398Anna Scott Herring19331843 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606685Betty J. Wilkinson1938272 Fancy Court, Richmond hill 31324-5852Accepted
10545567Wilbert Earl Barnes1966204 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10022488Holly Ann Froelich1983414 S. Ridgewood Park Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7426017Gerald Lynn Hanshaw19541930 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10189008Daniel Slade Walker1996400 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5894222Rebecca Sweeney Krokoski1979311 Montauk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6794612Stephen Michael Fox19731130 Castle Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10672156Gabriel Jeffrey Earle1983290 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11718715Kyle Larson198580 Tupelo Trail, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12290650Radha J. Patel1999213 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5630115Justin Carl Oeltze1974211 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11111326Shannon Nicole Dombkowski198545 Serenity Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5208348Andrew Scott Rubin1977574 Steeple Chase Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4456640John Stephen Claxton197814 Passaic Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11522471Kayleigh Raeanne Gerlach199991 McCrady Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11813430Rachail Pomerlee Sumpter197990 Gentry Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10824607Robert Clarke Petersen1960111 Indian Cove Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12170167Maggie Rebecca Hunter2001194 Fancy Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10847509Chandra Leah Allyn1982301 Ferguson Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8899314Marcus Santos Vargas19874 Holly Hill Park Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3425150Jerome Jones1961199 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10169377Lynda Carol Lavally196340 Serenity Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4349377Clayton F. Osbon19631287 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605405Tommy Payne Brookshire195225 Mueller Bend, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11364996Michael Joseph Galligan19517 Fancy Hall Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11348700Mary Jo Kerner Dunn195296 Timberland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10636346Charles Bolling Robinson19472260 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8732258Helen Lucille Walker195425 Amarula Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8059048Carson Pangle Lemmon193681 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1532094Priscilla M. Cates194423615 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1595155Dorothy Johnson Sumner195269 Steeple Chase Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8704276Barbara Anne Starr194720119 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1529439Tommy Edward Kessler19521209 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1606111Robert Doster Mims III194272 Island View Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10756449Nadia B. Wright19972345 Kingswood Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2267345Douglas Wayne Lockhart1948119 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11526087Wayne Sullivan Cook1987240 Shelton Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11741152Suzanne Joyce Haubrich196029 Bradford Pear Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12277308Paul Edward Hickin1959107 Whitebark Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11876458Rita Kelly Blalock1962355 Ridgewood Park N Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10024462Sara Rebecca Fox19761130 Castle Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7571673Kaneisha Danshae Mitchell1990160 Mitchell Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10177818Mary Garnett Tillinghast1925141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6212958Robert John Duncan195334 Belle Island Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11943769Willem Jacobus Kruger1947215 Blackjack Oak Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6182517Elizabeth Guzman Gonzalez1965108 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8796225Kevin Jun Arai1965103 Highland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610018Elizabeth Wardlaw Scully195587 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3202248Sheryl Fikse Bunton196363 Myrtle Drive Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604848Henry Hugh Scott1935104 Brisbon Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606229Brenda Parker Taylor196217883 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8343024Andrew Crawford Owens1988239 Cottonham Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606416Roy Laymond Sasser19411733 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1571241Segried B. Jones1958199 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5898238Wendy N. Anderson197050 Cherry Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3770921Sharon McCracken Brown194140 Grace Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6560998Concetta A. Hassan194215 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10263083Juan Carlos Deaza Moran1972383 Gandy Cut, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1607609Alton N. Hope1938252 Lake Lilly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5683517Dana Lee Gulliver1979146 Lake Lilly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11516769Ture Alan Carlson1978110 Palmer Place, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11350989Timothy Anthony Canfield1963270 Waterways Parkway S Parkway, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6589064Linda J. Zornes196224 Demeries Lake Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4018382Christopher Paul Baker1946135 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11695103Ashley Danielle Bowman1987105 Bowridge Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5719162Stephanie Renee Berry198492 Calendon Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6874332Lashawna Robinson Foster1971487 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12227346Darrell Tracy196935 Golden Rod Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11520302Heather Renee Ruiz198445 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11295295Darius Octavius Hawkins1999155 Bowridge Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10493346Madison Taylor Hayes1996183 Grey Ghost Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12158829Mason Turner Bowen2001181 Belle Island Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2184209Christopher Bryan Curry1967183 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
8040066Justin Allen Argroves1989100 Golden Rod Loop, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10915145George Frederick Ruehling IV196233 Holly Hill Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8218591Alma Gene Berrien195311 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12063798Linda Clifton Allen195415 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10887952Ashton Benjamin Martin199811 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10171288Burnadine Jenkins194711 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7354779Judith Elaine Dixon195618 McDuffie Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4892Accepted
1606092Richard A. Meguiar1946160 Silverstream Lane, Richmond hill 31324-9202Accepted
1606112Theresa Marie Mims195272 Island View Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8168933Simone Betty Ann Clarke1970174 Horizon Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11259688Megan Byrnes19593203 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6856897Joyce Evelyn Bromm195030 Mueller Bend, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12019878Jonathan Paul Sherwin197990 Tupelo Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8206854Kevin Maurice Laws19671924 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8406642David Dean Draper II198323455 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6842980Cara Thanh Wolfgang1974199 Smith Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7111347Bonita Claire Eastling1945141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1517263Gloria Sabrina Laws19661924 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7433497Uyen Nhi Thuong Buie1979435 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4563165Patrick J. Tomlinson196614 Lonnie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8715128Stephane Guillard1965170 S. Wildlife View Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11340256Kyoung Byun197385 Wando View Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11351247David Carl Dennis194952 Pulaksi Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6918208Hema Masih196630 Cherry Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6178592Shawanna Elizabeth Brown19771930 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12016175Maria R. Luisa Jael19441631 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6439256Janet F. Erskine19471889 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4148682Karen W. Sardonia195399 S. Ridgewood Park Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1593671Linda Lee Cota19455 Golden Rod Loop, Richmond hill 31324-4677Canceled
10661057James Frank Stewart1945141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3480564Jeff Miley Jr.1969160 Mitchell Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11790573Charles Telfair Canady Jr.1957129 McDuffie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11852439Pamela Delgouffre Knowles1988178 Hazen Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4032002Darla Joelle Clarkson196760 Darieng Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11109866Edwin Cortez Hamrick195242 Timberland Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6583528Jeanne D. Anderson1948133 Belle Island Court, Richmond hill 31324-6043Canceled
1606504Sheila E. Speidel194050 Demeries Creek Road, Richmond hill 31324-9664Accepted
7073068Ethel Smith Washington19472494 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1611257Marguerite C. Gilmore1937183 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6115Canceled
10730074Tarrolyn Nichole Knowles1973120 Tupelo Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12132382Anthony Leshurn Hilton Jr.1992110 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11455801Rachel Evans198245 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8552973Jason Matthew July1981485 Timberland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606163Charles Alex McCoy1954200 Belle Island Lane, Richmond hill 31324-6014Accepted
5776629John Mark Romans197128 Richmond Walk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4052677Vivian Hruch Huntoon1960280 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12213998Alexandrea Carmella Perry1989197 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1038317Lilla Durden Patterson194520 Teachers Row, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4899944Kailey Marie Bradley1982112 Lake Lilly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610490Jack A. Giddens194853 Marsh Cove, Richmond hill 31324-6019Accepted
4839641William Lee Carter Jr.1962245 Dove Drake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8749392Frances Mar Stevens Matos198245 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11801402Michelle Dawn Spence Contrascere19853012 Castle Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11719108Bailey Trent Pelletier19991866 Belfast River Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5016007Rachael Jean Radnoczi1980523 Gandy Cut, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12312104Aileen Tien-Sung Han198845 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4032002Darla Joelle Clarkson196760 Darieng Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11411034Chantal Lampron197820 Sail Maker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4226852Shannon Voncile McClure196925 Tarbert Cut, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8308928Tram Ngoc White1971140 Shelton Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8745554Elsie C. Midkiff1931290 Rabbit Hill Road, Richmond hill 31324-4303Accepted
1595156Larry Carlton Sumner195269 Steeple Chase Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606249Michael L. Peterman194770 Marsh Cove, Richmond hill 31324-6017Accepted
5069347William Joseph Haray1947964 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324-5547Accepted
1568370Harriett A. Woodcock193521586 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12165064Keith Peter Nicholson1985618 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8335996James Robert Evans II197225 Amarula Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11907668Breana Renee Johnson-Williams1999100 Kepler Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11117695Jessica Ohl Kennedy1981185 Dove Drake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12024347Marjorie Jean Hamrick195842 Timberland Trail, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10973883Tonya D. Samuels19631557 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1611440Harry William Ferrel196219 Bay Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11831670Billy Ray Moore Jr.197245 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12267072Sherri L. Hickin1974107 Whitebark Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604894David Neil Smiley1937220 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10759397Jennifer Payne Wenner198590 Harvey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604947David H. Swanson1970160 Silverstream Lane, Richmond hill 31324-9202Accepted
11876450Hailee Annette Blalock1988355 Ridgewood Park N Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10559643Marcus Antoine Shaw1997325 Waterways Parkway S Parkway, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12303143Damon Neal Hornung197618 Sugar Pine Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1610828Bobby Larry Vanbrackle1946300 Montauk Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4907Accepted
4315099Laura A. McLaren1964827 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606484Isaiah Smith19532510 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324-5624Accepted
12303264Arazane Amore Hilton1991110 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10201697Emily McMillan Pearson199591 Marsh Cove, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11014634Alexis Misa Arai1998103 Highland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11707302Jordan Marshall Nigg200010 Bark Branch Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10312338Carol Jean Beard194645 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10662786Gene Franklin Bunton Jr.196263 Myrtle Drive Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1511791Jamie Raye Davenport19581751 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10307266David Bayne VI197465 Amarula Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604094Michael T. Casey Sr.19471076 Belfast River Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5178536Carlene W. Mary Oeltze1947211 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4873Canceled
11514185Erin Elizabeth Carlson1981110 Palmer Place, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3431268Barbara Cornes Baker1950135 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4914Accepted
11810754Cale James Carnot1986190 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6296017Anthony John Castro1980195 Timberland Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
867379Donald Lynn Allen19501640 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11376077Kaila Breanna Chantel Jackson1990450 Gandy Cut, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11361025Morgan Leigh Pearson1999149 Seneca Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12022222Brandon Carlos Brooks199735 Mueller Bend, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7408126Sandra Evelyn Semken1985494 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12162584Aaron Omar Davis19785 Shelton Street, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11343297Sarah Stephany1983289 Maddy Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5331739Stephenie Nikkole Reagan1983325 Maddy Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12241685Carlos Joel Salinas1979117 Highland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10254479John Albert Pearson III1995149 Seneca Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1508523Mamie Mercer Martin194511 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12030871Dina Ray Foley194654 Horizon Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4112940Rose Mary Brown19343370 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11667279Juan Ruben Velez197915 Gentry Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10206275Ternartsea Chiffon Law1964167 Timberland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10643902Amanda Cirota Anderson1976138 Lake Lilly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6624848Amanda Kite Harvey1985137 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5508100Kristina Denise Blessing1977120 Wildlife View Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7081518Lillian Rena Fishback196511 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
544785Tonya Michelle Roberts1970479 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11926851Lauren Elizabeth Masih200030 Cherry Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10687528Cesar Alberto Quero Briceno1982115 Richmond Walk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8536325Katelynn Renee Lyell199345 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12020808Howard Edward Pusey1950261 McCrady Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6954788Vinette L. Trivitayakhun1956223 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4913Accepted
1540980Gladys Mae Myers19502130 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4358606Frank Noel Gaitor195851 Demeries Lake Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11093871Treva Lucky1983100 Kepler Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5701505Vincent Faison195721711 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2245130Greg Michael McConnell195452 Bradford Pear Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605284Mary Q. Allen19472186 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609629Elizabeth Martin Wilson1942213 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8537167Susan Lea Hall1942250 Ridgewood Park Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1593670Kenneth Gary Cota19425 Golden Rod Loop, Richmond hill 31324-4677Canceled
1611323Jimmie D. Allen19482186 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324-5609Accepted
5457058Gary Thomas Strength194511 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7825279Jane D. Haray1949964 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8936846Ahmed Aly Sayed Elkassas1974135 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12290650Radha J. Patel1999213 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1610883Gary R. Close1950252 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4912Accepted
8706198Gayle Andrea Hofeling19641016 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
2811923Gail Winfrey Winston1952205 McDuffie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
271320William Paul Deason194411 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6902103Monica Anne Minning196686 McCrady Drive, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
1608924Gwendlyn M. McIver19551930 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11771813Jy'rec Christopher Givens1991361 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12232550Wesley Alan Brown198037 Calendon Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8913720Christopher James Southerland199380 Serenity Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8161050Kindon Stephens198129 Pelican Bluff, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10092189Kelsey Alene Hight Russett1987125 S. Wildlife View Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5682786Marisa Leigh Stephens198529 Pelican Bluff, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8927061Brooke Loreen Jackson1995330 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7453125Justin Nathaniel Hunt19882 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4899944Kailey Marie Bradley1982112 Lake Lilly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10250645Shanna J.W. Schwab198715 Blackjack Oak Drive N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7396766Robert Petty III1982390 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10512743John Andrew Hackmeyer196944 Mallard Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1611331Baxter M. Farr1953264 Montauk Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4921Accepted
12026856Justin Michael Martini1987325 Blackjack Oak Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10755181Steven Lamont McLain1975150 Sail Maker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12014667Kelly Damone Johnson1973155 Beckley Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10816463Stephanie Marie Glover1991513 Ferguson Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606310Candace Thompson Riley194665 Seneca Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7389486Roger Bruce White1949140 Shelton Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8913716Adam William Everett1979183 Grey Ghost Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10447992Jeffrey Mark Roseman197044 Hazen Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11292592Craig Alan Janke19712501 Harris Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11682636Uyen-Vy Thanh Hoang2000469 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7988847Wayne Richard Willcox1950103 Hawk Island Circle, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4634441Geneva L. Finger1950126 Seneca Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4917Accepted
1774623Suzanne White Robinson19472260 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8292850Anastasia Kitanoff Lindamood193410 Teachers Row, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7298276Connye Johnson Osbon19501287 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324-6028Accepted
10479392Zachary Nicholas Bennett1997214 Cottonham Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11013579Roland Vargas Basco197940 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10749547Skylar Anne Swanson1997160 Silverstream Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10849912Paris Taylor Brown19991930 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1611166Dorsena J. Grant194921829 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324-5845Accepted
6736998Baothinh Nu Nguyen1988183 Whitebark Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8865204Adebimpe Taiwo Sobowale1966267 McDuffie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8135404Marsha L. Prince196860 Teachers Row, Richmond hill 31324-6906Accepted
1609604James Emile Pentecost195965 Meadows Road, Richmond hill 31324-5600Accepted
11809454Sandra Joyce Knight1942148 Palmer Place, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1837369Lisa Broughton Wilkerson1965701 Ferguson Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8796359Stacey Arai1967103 Highland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7723002Ramona Mae Whiting196080 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11862647Cheryl A. Roseman196944 Hazen Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11256115Nicole Marie Dore19853786 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1538743Betty Jean Benton1932141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605362Yvonne H. Benton1952103 Miller Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4840Accepted
11520038William Griffin Welbon1951104 Grey Ghost Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10848801Dean Austin Hicks199884 Richmond Walk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11316545Jordan Emily Sparks1999180 Ridgewood Park Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11418727Bartosz Henryk Lis1984569 Hogan Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10425112Sue Denny Chapman193878 Montauk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604168Jake Howard Davis1954287 Steeple Chase Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12233040Anthony Jermain Wright1972267 S. Ridgewood Park Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8732978Eric Kendall Shaw1971325 Waterways Parkway S Parkway, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7972810Meagan Elliot197485 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10057392Lisa Michele Hester19701411 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10384688Tara K. Bittner198497 Lonnie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8011006Colin Joshua Bynum19911924 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10233354Lascotia Teyonnia Roberts1993479 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6856268Robert Drury Bromm195030 Mueller Bend, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5646448Salim Sudhir Masih196330 Cherry Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10852157Mya Joi Lofton198292 Tarbert Cut, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1550476Eric Henley Sr.1957373 Kingswood Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12019876Nancy Lantz Pusey1950261 McCrady Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8287927Adeeba Sultana Quddus1946215 Smoke Rise Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7988847Wayne Richard Willcox1950103 Hawk Island Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3976343Michael Scott Hamby II197875 Wando View Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10849711Jane McPhail Fraser1954291 Holly Hill Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6125301Sharon L. Marshall194311 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1201251Helen C. Shadrick1940141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1123218Dell M. Leist194835 Dove Drake Drive, Richmond hill 31324-5668Canceled
11223066Robert Ruble193911 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2798423Paul Dent Winston1945205 McDuffie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2092151Geraldine A. Sattele1944325 Oyster House Road, Richmond hill 31324-6101Accepted
11095761Charles Randolph Isaac1947130 Wildlife View Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1082195Cynthia H. Gernatt195314 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4876Canceled
7779017Dexter Thomas1989129 Palmer Place, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12052559Joshua Thomas Woolley200155 Sanctuary Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11544544Nancy Ann Nealy194511 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8613813Patricia Anne Leavy195911 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12190619Bahar Mentch198220 Holly Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6774774Rebecca Flake Abel198846 S. Ridgewood Park Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11019355David Anthony Montano1981154 Hogan Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12216231Pat Joseph Traficante II1977197 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10226926Shelia D. Henley1960373 Kingswood Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11411034Chantal Lampron197820 Sail Maker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1503042Louis Cornell Heyward1951153 Timberland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7415391Timothy R. Montgomery196775 Golden Rod Loop, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11825503Michael Patrick Lage1978334 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11978490Jennifer Nicole Thorpe200010 Mueller Bend, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6886559Julie Danielle Webb1976232 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12038099Paul Lloyd Ricker Jr.198568 Rountree Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11672038Jesus Emmanuel Sanchez2000146 Lincoln Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6228811Diane Cecelia McCarthy194787 Gandy Cut, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10133640Jessica Joy Gross1979533 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10847527Darren Walker1968301 Ferguson Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10472806Melissa Marie McCarty Rike1950150 Blackjack Oak Drive E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1567781Charlotte F. Mock1939108 Marsh Cove, Richmond hill 31324-6033Accepted
10414609Francis John Russo195346 Horizon Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1539459Mitchell B. Sallette1938122 Cottonham Court, Richmond hill 31324-6905Canceled
1586665Willa M. Baisden1925141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11092454Andrew Stephen Kunert197739 Lonnie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11014925James Kevin Bezner1967209 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2885693Rebecca Gore Bohlander197527 Stonevale Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6774774Rebecca Flake Abel198846 S. Ridgewood Park Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11637265Sara Kate Garrett2000193 Belle Island Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606091Dana Meguiar Swanson1970160 Silverstream Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12007181Sierra Marie Coleman199695 Maddy Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4859606Kristin Chapman Fulford1969205 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7729565Janice Ester Ball19453766 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324-4810Canceled
10100656Colette Anne Bayne196665 Amarula Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10343010Zachariah Grant Humrich199619899 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11091556Janice Clark194466 Charlies Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1608576Nancy D. McAuley1932141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6770724Jeremy Ronald Brast1977547 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604538James H. Lynes194622642 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324-5803Accepted
5722381Ralph Lee Bell19541871 Castle Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12299618Larry D. Worthy195611 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6954861James J. Trivitayakhun1964223 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4913Accepted
12181505Joshua Dean Gregory200150 Golden Rod Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5108327Genorse Gilbert Jr.195711 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6235124Carrie Mae Oglesby194211 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4643222Michael James Semken1979494 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3426847Kelvin Lorenzo Myers1956235 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4873Accepted
11581204Kiersten Bruster199145 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8180664Worth Joseph Gaylor1992224 Williamson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10136338John Charles Hutain1932177 Gandy Cut, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7985355David Edwin Stone1947490 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11848655William Edward Taylor1949128 McDuffie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605162Donald S. Durant195122566 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324-5802Canceled
10299044Gloria Wynn Hope1949252 Lake Lilly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8304880Maria Ann Davis194445 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11801451Paul Kenneth Rieffle1949331 Silverstream Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12249741Jennifer Ann Hood198580 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1528987Sharyn Lee Baggett1956282 Fox Road, Richmond hill 31324-4333Accepted
6307777Terry Smith Heyward1966153 Timberland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1089915Todd Wilson Woodruff1975309 Timberland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3758864Charles Vincent Buie1971435 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1071199Joel Wesley McGee1954138 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4983471Ronald Clarkson195460 Darieng Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605357Robert Eugene Bennett193512 Williamson Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4818Accepted
1605404Sharon L. Brookshire195425 Mueller Bend, Richmond hill 31324-4990Canceled
1605835Albert H. Hardy19521587 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324-6029Canceled
5216708Tina Marie Ladson1967499 Starr Creek Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12160206Edison Wai Yeung Yang1950350 Williamson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11275803Ngoc Bich Thi Le1955435 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5366286Thomas Richard Nizzi195822488 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6214345Clay A. Britton19623100 Kingswood Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8732985Roseline Shaw1971325 Waterways Parkway, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6440039Connor Eoin Gillis1987178 Rountree Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10711778Rexford Ofosu19722571 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12038097Michelle Kathleen Ricker198968 Rountree Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7952346Stuart Victor Franco196320 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11392703Thidaporn Trumpower1976255 Shelton Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6182551Hector Ivan Gonzalez1959108 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10408900Harvey Wilson Brooks197174 Castle Oak Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12165121Miriam Francisco193421425 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11834610Gabrielle Amanda Nixon199926 Rountree Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7182416Melissa Renae Smith1981116 Mitchell Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10609233Zachary Aaron Bynum19971924 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10329208Mary Bunch Warren19291474 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1556309Dale Driggers Mathews195021849 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1510317Linda Carol Bessent1945242 Williamson Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4820Accepted
1201252James Charles Shadrick1937141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10150828Ronnie Aaron Holifield193615 Rountree Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10264313Brian Robert Lippert1974140 Smoke Rise Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1608949Katina Latrelle Mitchell Miley1973160 Mitchell Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11327406Wanda Michelle Canady196085 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8939808Elena Z. El Kassas-Vachev1977135 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11520826Sarah Annette Lavally200040 Serenity Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8791802Jennifer Alyson Noltkamper199445 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12063796Steven Douglas Allen195115 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604701Jack E. Carney Jr.194863 Oyster House Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606018Leah Joy Lee1953161 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1605167Hazel Denese Rushing1951238 Warnell Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4832Accepted
7590074Reynard A. Kemp1946100 Sail Maker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7496053Benjamin Mitchell1949116 Mitchell Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606684Benjamin F. Wilkinson1935272 Fancy Court, Richmond hill 31324-5852Accepted
12005942Torrey Lamont Gray1971407 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11790130Marshanna Janee Givens1992361 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5684231Jonathan Andrew Lodge1984230 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
2240219Angela Collins Bunn1966178 Miller Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606164Margaret Rivers McCoy1956200 Belle Island Lane, Richmond hill 31324-6014Accepted
5268654John Nelson Slagle1961601 Turkey Trott Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10250650Kevin Daniel Schwab198415 Blackjack Oak Drive N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11545928David William Righter1982190 Wildlife View Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6706117Jacqueline Freeman Montano1988154 Hogan Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10521102Javier Orlando Sanchez195985 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11719084Amy Ann Bell1975352 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11284660Nicole Lee Janke19722501 Harris Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6674974Holly Suzanne Jacobs1967290 Waterways Parkway, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3636788Jennifer Vanbavel Hicks1978306 Williamson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10282854Sarah Lynn Lippert1974140 Smoke Rise Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605898Tara Michelle Casey1972379 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6111Accepted
12313094Ashlyn Pieper200145 Cherry Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
483583Robert Brewster Delano Jr.194987 Amarula Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605165Barbara A. Cole1948123 Seneca Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4917Accepted
1605166Steven Terry Cole1947123 Seneca Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4917Accepted
2243254Leo Woodcock193221586 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11673779Bradley Charles Knoll1979280 Waterways Parkway S Parkway, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11526078Melissa Cook1986240 Shelton Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10611728Emily Barrett Bezner1970209 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604608Joyce B. Mixon194419273 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324-5514Accepted
1604816Gail D. Rushing1947173 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4319135Genevieve Marie Stjohn194970 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3738201Daniel L. Blazek1954462 Warnell Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1021201Mary Owen Worth1928141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324-9432Accepted
11437204Donna Mae Kruger1945215 Blackjack Oak Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11858676Agboade Damilola Michael Sobowale1999267 McDuffie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1561054Barbara Solomon Myers1958235 Williams Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4873Accepted
11795397Sharon Jean Gibson19592828 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11915566Madchen Midori Arai2000103 Highland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604850Lillie Alberta Scott1939104 Brisbon Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10683070Michael John Harris196775 Indian Cove Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11517510D'Antae Arries Butler199940 Gentry Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12237593Danette Pentecost196165 Meadows Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10946377Jordan Lynn Harpe1998425 Timberland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10448640Kathleen Elizabeth Wolf1949490 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1605260Anthony D. Adams Sr.19383443 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324-4815Accepted
11364846Dorothy G. Smith194311 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6882238Betty Layfield Todd194211 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10585091Marcus Juwan Roberts1997479 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6449877Heather Kerr Hendren197566 Pulaksi Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12211382Amymarie Dabney198245 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8401464Caitlyn Anne Simons1993423 Kilkenny Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10060934Ashley Donnell Boles1978953 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11629895Betty Wall Sample1935141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1608942Alice J. Faye Davis1948287 Steeple Chase Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10152026Trutelia Crawford McIntyre195411 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605358Roberta Elizabeth Bennett193212 Williamson Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11192495Jyanna Tequila Miley1998160 Mitchell Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1580852Nina Rountree Maloney1957459 Starr Creek Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3854366David Albert Lamb1955246 Montauk Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4905Accepted
11926795Sydney Anne Masih200030 Cherry Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5776229Kathryn Elise Strickland198596 Lonnie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10940024Mayra A. Lazala-Stock196421425 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1575089Constance Merinda Riggins19527 Fancy Hall Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4015329Albert S. Roberts1967479 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11887672Garrison Elijah White20001411 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10132490Cameron Gabriel White19951411 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11741160Dolette McDonald195229 Bradford Pear Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6271104Michelle Renee Britton19683100 Kingswood Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10834081Rosalie R. McKinley V1970565 Turkey Trott Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11907215Jackson Crowe Finley20001475 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11259030Douglas Allen Elliot Jr.197585 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10531211Adewunmi Olanrewaju Sobowale Jr.1995267 McDuffie Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3854389Julie S. Lamb1959246 Montauk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4417134Althea D. Gaitor195951 Demeries Lake Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7568959Dana H. Mitchell1955116 Mitchell Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10749756Joan Kimberly Thompson19492086 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2267345Douglas Wayne Lockhart1948119 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1606117Sheila Miner Galbreath195523756 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606587Mary Lee Thompson1945594 Jake Brown Road, Richmond hill 31324-5605Canceled
2092152James Ronald Sattele1944325 Oyster House Road, Richmond hill 31324-6101Accepted
11100944Keith Reeves Strigaro19776 Shetland Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4952060Eugene T. Dowd193045 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10472803Jerry Edward Rike1945150 Blackjack Oak Drive E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3772303David Ernest Donaldson19462168 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324-4800Accepted
11713433Kenneth Dale Kassinger195312 Css Nashville Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606589Richard L. Thompson1945594 Jake Brown Road, Richmond hill 31324-5605Canceled
11095754Edith P. Isaac1951130 Wildlife View Court N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604160Robbie Christine Davis1937271 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606662Una F. Wasdin194317917 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324-5517Canceled
1609167Catherine H. Riggs195156 Indian Cove Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8805839Patricia Emma Davis1951105 Wildlife View Court N., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11098314Rajendraprasad B. Patel1957345 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10135801Taylor Christine Brantley199520870 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11823926Timothy Arnold Lewis1984136 Palmer Place, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10518155Donald Bruce Mentch197220 Holly Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11718721Lisa Jean Larson198580 Tupelo Trail, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604702Norma Irene Carney195163 Oyster House Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10602788Jennifer L. Dewinter1979219 Beckley Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11612884Elaine L. Salerno-Carter1963245 Dove Drake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1503796Curtis Allen Foster Jr.1958487 Waverly Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6973599Hugh Jerreld Zornes196224 Demeries Lake Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7331749Vu Anh Bui197450 Bowridge Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11532448Jacob McKinley Herring1999405 Ridgewood Park N Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6795755Valerie Nicole Feske1982100 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12052257Diana Mac Burney Grafton194575 Dove Drake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11806688Anna Caroline Smith200053 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5253970Dawn Janette MacDonald1967255 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10131561Karen Renee Hicks196884 Richmond Walk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11325603Raegan Jane Taylor199965 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11561059Jocelin Wery1994413 Ferguson Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10951166Gabrielle Alisha Abbott19981244 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3325987Amy M. Boyette Jankowski197737 Richmond Walk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5579511Jay Allen Perdue1983145 S. Wildlife View Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12183402Stephenie Jane Price1972105 Shortleaf Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10670951Kathleen Archey Thrash1991305 McCrady Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7888760Chandra Lyn Russo1971115 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10702588Thomas Steve Perkins1939141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12303441Shirley Ann Stanley1943141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
483582Linda East Delano195187 Amarula Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2512986Judith Maree Holman Barber1937141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11713434Suzanne Stclair Kassinger195312 Css Nashville Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1582456Deborah Blackston Giddens194953 Marsh Cove, Richmond hill 31324-6019Accepted
6237913Luther Butler Hurst195038 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6128Accepted
1532093Paul Knolan Cates194223615 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1529438Brenda Groover Kessler19531209 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12244794Douglas Eugene Hood197980 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604893Barbara Smiley1943220 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11947997Corey Henderson19731980 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7728388Juanita Faye Beckwith1970165 Dove Drake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10860755Jason Roger Koster198290 Shelton Street, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11325804Wayne Fang1999611 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10678246Ana Maria Leonardi Reyes1951260 Ridgewood Park N Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3395853Michelle Strout Brast1974547 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1608575Arthur Lee McAuley1929141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1528986John Lee Baggett1950282 Fox Road, Richmond hill 31324-4333Accepted
1609341Virginia C. Chapman194246 Oyster House Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604749Rebecca G. Perry1937141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606414Jo Anne Sasser19461733 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324-6012Canceled
8304666Meagan Kanani Delacruz1980330 Blackjack Oak Drive W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2291173Stanley Cotch Harkleroad Jr.19516 Demeries Pointe Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12282405Ruth May Allen191915 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1078525Kathleen Harper Hatcher1946146 Css Nashville Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11725105Naomi Marie Smart197195 Maddy Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
2271499James Carter Harvey1950245 Montauk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1605437Jack Bush19481911 Port Royal Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8739227David Prince196460 Teachers Row, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4349463Scott Stephen Sardonia196399 S. Ridgewood Park Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12226638Matthew Scott Johnston197135 Golden Rod Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11090528Kalik Lenires Earl1970180 Sail Maker Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11406107Flor Arroyo III1968125 Glen Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8305133John Morgan Lamb1992246 Montauk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10240380Jeffrey Melvin Pearson19801975 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8506316David Frederick La Vally195740 Serenity Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5361710Jessica L. Howell198325 Holly Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5840866Brittony Perkins Sibilio198422426 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7389681Olaide Kubrat Awe1961220 Beckley Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
121548Jenny Hartley Everett1975183 Grey Ghost Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10765728Emily Wright199147 Shortleaf Trail, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605919Bernadine Houston1956434 Brown Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11901560Robert F. Thompson Jr.1954141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4270157Donald Albert Stjohn195070 Passaic Lane, Richmond hill 31324-4930Canceled
8534064Egidio John Durante194495 Dove Drake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1539400Millicent Beth Russo195346 Horizon Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10084056Darryl Lemar Williams197029 Triston Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7215778Beverly Jo Cosmann197220 Fairview Drive, Richmond hill 31324-5497Accepted
6648087Rose Ann Labella Vaughan1949192 Lake Lilly Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10040530Albert Steven Roberts Jr.1995479 Kerry Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6208725Brian Mitchell1983116 Mitchell Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10131575Anthony Lawrence Dixon1964100 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5701503Dorothy Marie Faison196021711 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324-5856Accepted
3265194Kevin Glen Van Houten197415 Serenity Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5098847Susan Phyllis Harrison1944141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8739620Otis Devillars Jr.1957840 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324-4223Accepted
8057926Shaniqua McGill Johnson1991245 Smoke Rise Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604719Michael Nelson Parker1947320 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1566558Lynda I. Morse1948340 Oyster House Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1610507Linda N. McConnell195452 Bradford Pear Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10673615Gary William Koch1944310 Ridgewood Park N Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3657410William Raymond Thompson Jr.19492086 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12023372Danilo Abrantes Jael19421631 Branden Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5954143Malik D. Kiala Marshall196911 Plantation Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10479068Christian Issac Carnes1997219 Highland Circle, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4910041Steven Michael Wallace194342 Passaic Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1074268Lori Bernard Gaylor1961224 Williamson Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4820Accepted
1037127Harry Lewis Katzman1923141 Timber Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7594376James Michael Carter1949145 Demeries Lake Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1575263Deborah B. Vause1950329 Bluff Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3411403June Cato Donaldson19522168 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3636827Larry D. Elkins194760 Washington Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1611399Connie Dell Miller1956378 Brisbon Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10045543Bhavisha Patel1984365 Cantle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6331800Stephanie Corey McIver19861930 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604743Jacquelyn Ann Pearson19353577 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond hill 31324-4814Canceled
11031937Jennifer Dawn Coldiron19834324 Garden Hill Loop Loop, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3737630Nils H. Anderson196780 Cherry Tree Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605713Gary L. Forbes194231 Oyster House Drive, Richmond hill 31324-6133Accepted
11821941Sherry W. Rovolis196266 Harvey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10969776Arelius Donte Riley1979285 Smoke Rise Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8617527Diane L. Rodriguez196625 Hickory Street, Richmond hill 31324-5485Canceled
8863125Jomell Isaiah Johnson1993143 Whitaker Way N., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3651008Michael Kenton Ramey194950 Holly Hill Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3800345Brian Alan Jankowski197537 Richmond Walk Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6386619Thuong Thuy Hoang Nguyen197550 Bowridge Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4396635Margaret E. Vanhouten197415 Serenity Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10946853Benjamin Fisher Hulsey19982680 Oak Level Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6616599Melissa Colon196745 Lullwater Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5026171Susan Ellington Darieng195520181 GA Highway 144, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6996406Reginald Deshon Johnson1987245 Smoke Rise Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11886437Brian Michael McCandless197610 Long Creek Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1558191Regina L. Wynn19581955 Belle Island Road, Richmond hill 31324-6010Canceled



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