
Savannah Standard

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bryan County - Precinct 9 issued 410 absentee ballots in the general election

Vote 11

Bryan County - Precinct 9 issued 410 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Bryan County - Precinct 9 voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
10617423Ben Clay Bishop Jr.1955670 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10585260Dorothy E. Harris1932201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8363081Melissa E. Lawrence198071 Egrets Nest Lane W., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11670350Iiesha Black1977142 Cypress Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4665216Tasha Tanette Harris1972114 Woodcock Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7950934Natalie Marie Imlay198587 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1576562David Carl Boyn1956495 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3580Canceled
4983265Leroy H. Malphrus Jr.1955430 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604291Terrie Lee Smith19524915 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12252752Richard Lee Slemons1993314 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4261103Brenda E. Johnson1963566 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4115715Jacalyn Kubicki195381 Egrets Nest Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10625385Ebone Monique Jackson199896 Wild Honey Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4244296David Matthew Fisher196771 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3470Canceled
10940029Gloria Marcia Jackman1948701 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7768159Calum Douglas Trotter196933 Woodcock Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4805466McArthur Dixon195966 Golden Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3709130David M. Lovell1943100 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4616790Jeanette Lopez Boyle194316 Winding Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1523244Charles Rosier1949536 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7776369Sheila Dianne Griffin1951131 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10529904William Vandeusen195525 Ryan Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7264562Octavia Khan Biddle1981250 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3433Canceled
11906128Jazmin Anna Maria Lopez199990 Blue Heron Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3139775Gerald Eugene Nelms195844 Dimick Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604944Jowanna Faye Strickland193415 Winding Way, Richmond hill 31324-3317Accepted
7103016Borami Richard Oum1989509 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5009824Corey Grant Elder197043 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7611694Robert Matthew Ellgass Jr.198929 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11199918Janyce Michelle Washington Cobbs197258 Cypress Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4982291Phillip Harry Richardson195295 Winding Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604561Mary L. Mallory195150 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324-3447Accepted
11812931Jacinta Marie Takahito Yoshida198624 Egrets Nest Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10432554Catherine Judy Donahue1944474 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10046691Megan Colon1986881 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10263048Kristopher Burgos1991273 Cypress Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11817786Christopher Morgan Roy197239 Cat Tail Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7060008Purificacion S. Juntado1945203 Sterling Creek Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11719355Charles Chiedu Ozobia196015 Egrets Nest Lane W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10630933Connie Rae Sanders1949130 Whippoorwill Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8089132Cornelia Elisabeth Schultz1959578 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1611424Robert Barry Seagraves195070 Winding Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12158724Paige Wester Seanor1989335 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5386046Malinda M. Beadle Naquin1961436 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7709242Joan Howarth Mansfield194454 Cypress Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11010394Saiydah Muhammad1952201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1539855John Allen Mims1952134 Wild Honey Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604855John Hamilton Sellers1942385 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11168491Terry Cuthbert1970550 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10065917Jackson Cutright Sibley199061 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7674054Crystal Michelle Walker1982120 Reese Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3573644Shelly Ann Lindstrom196292 Cat Tail Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10656473Patricia Kelly1936255 Cypress Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604920Joan I. Spellman1931207 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3418Accepted
6933707David Walter Beaudet1953656 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6773330Heather Michelle Peeples1971579 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3437Accepted
11533557Robyn Lindauer1995579 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6988603Joseph Ruzek Petty198870 Quail Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3719070James Sharnia Melton1969201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3236593Debra Sullivan Nelms196044 Dimick Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1608534Louis A. Benoit1946160 Whippoorwill Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11309620Virginia Ann Moss1943173 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1605369Louise J. Blige1936201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5635179Alisha Renae Emrich198594 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3906106Mark Gregory Hollmen195979 Cat Tail Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1546121Tiffany Attica Bogle1971201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8739809Dusty Jack Courtland198965 Cat Tail Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12188674Lisa Marie Markel1979604 Waybridge Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7724943Erica Gill Butler1975201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5460228George Haefer Story1942163 Ryan Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12257782Cindy Dutro Bellof196079 Ashley Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5988507Ashley Chin Ealy198680 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10723756Jonathan Michael McNeer199011 Jack Snipe Court W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11424524Ganda Tang Morelli198561 Ainsdale Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10230775Justin Anthony Gray197118 Minning Loop, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1076524Nancy Durham Schauer1949201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10968495Rebekah Meister Petty1990201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12194769Sijie Ouyang198751 Ainsdale Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12104587Edward Lee Dutro194079 Ashley Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6729589Sandra W. Bishop1951670 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3460Accepted
1607783Sharon Brown Ravita1948396 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604285Gracie Dolly Greene1934436 Barnard Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11544922Leo Manuel Jefferies Jr.1965174 Wild Honey Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4682277Jesse Arnold Jenkins1966180 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5655546Erin Nichole SchuMacHer198091 Pelican Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4522777Geoffrey Perrin Smith1975550 Waybridge Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12072683Roger Munoz Jr.198996 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607497Silas Dilmar1945201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3522Canceled
8220231Jeffrey Scott Kelsey19584915 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11144310Jared Kimball Ewonus198649 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3950994Thomas S. Landry1962111 Whippoorwill Lane E., Richmond hill 31324-3555Accepted
4925898Judy Kay Lipp Tredwell19611 Cat Tail Court, Richmond hill 31324-3587Accepted
1541308Martha Renee Oliver1958201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8159798Lisa Mary Ring1967166 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11529567Lydia Dare Ewonus198949 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609738Robert Terry Lewis1947455 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4713199Sudie Mae Ridley195872 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3415Accepted
11374364Corbin A. Dantes-Perry1988691 Waybridge Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3909234Richard Dwayne Cohen196686 Blue Heron Court, Richmond hill 31324-3424Accepted
3897570Bobby Charles Carr1957188 Whippoorwill Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1606204William Giles Norwood1950270 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5720915Denise A. Stagpool Houle1960105 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
2306854Peggy Ann Bailey1965201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604901Cheryl Gill Hibberts194756 Frugality Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324-4236Canceled
10529905Maureen Cecilia Vandeusen195925 Ryan Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5415402Gregory M. Coursey195681 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3906076Karen Lynn Hollmen195679 Cat Tail Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5731764Justine Hollmen Grose198579 Cat Tail Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10076765Jamie Margaret Jones1994232 Sterling Creek Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7037240James Dickerman Taylor194588 Quail Lane, Richmond hill 31324-3406Accepted
7074370Carla Moore Moore Barnett196094 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1073756Michael Rivera1972224 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7309371Joshua Alexander Means198817 Cutt Off Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11334542Christopher Michael Rivera1999224 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10718824Ronnie Wayne Hamilton1973201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1611258Melissa Lynne Milligan1967241 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3708962Kathleen Marie Harris194990 Egrets Nest Lane W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3346493Clarence Copeland194951 Quail Lane, Richmond hill 31324-3403Accepted
3717952Thomas Francis Harris195290 Egrets Nest Lane W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11356347Kathryn Nicole Wolfe199914 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604245Carol Gardner1945480 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604196James Robert Dudley1949184 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6797988Ronald Gray Burgess195616 Wild Honey Court, Richmond hill 31324-4106Canceled
4067761Reinaldo Saltares195525 Whippoorwill Lane W., Richmond hill 31324-3568Accepted
8218420Jennifer Marie Harris198790 Egrets Nest Lane W., Richmond hill 31324-3553Accepted
1524505Charita Lynette Boles19741318 Harris Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8820141Debra Ann Carlson195538 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10850102Madison Tyler Bushre19853 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6599918Richard Lee Griffin1955131 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5758334Dennis Richard Smith19838 Bellasera Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1072627Wanda Smith1962550 Waybridge Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4934511Sherra Dawna Landry1970111 Whippoorwill Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11511205Reinaldo Antonio Ortiz Rivera1985531 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5036327Joseph M. Delong197332 Sterling Creek Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10725524Nayoung Oh1990697 Waybridge Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5069565Hanna Beth White195635 Bee Keeper Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11097784Eldynn Juna Ross1986337 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5808833Erica Leigh Malphrus1982430 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8445736Sugeiry Rivera1982239 Cypress Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8508989Temeka Lashaunda Franklin197769 Ainsdale Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10512862Melissa Michelle Rangel1967208 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10906776Jofrank Peregrina198591 Pelican Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4812948Leslie Felicia Baptiste1965134 Wild Honey Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11843120Trista Shere Vu199012 Memory Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10012299Michelle Provence Brennan1980201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4424123Richard Ernest Pauly1934201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3905459Roy Angus Steel III1953180 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7966125Jessica Sara Durrence198975 Whippoorwill Lane W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6698999Alma Corazon Martinez1946344 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3502Accepted
3926601Vincent Norman Pinault194943 Pelican Court, Richmond hill 31324-3456Canceled
10365552William Albert Sanders1942130 Whippoorwill Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5176749Ina Helen Coursey195181 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324Rejected
10847620Leilani Elisa-Marie Bogle1998201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4244296David Matthew Fisher196771 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3470Canceled
11938103Coral Rebecca Costrini1963386 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11520179Jason Daniel Hunt197964 Ryan Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12167281Latoya K. Clarke1985140 Blue Wing Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4244296David Matthew Fisher196771 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3470Canceled
11209758Abbey P. Smith1999270 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3848068Herbert Anthony Young196045 Blue Heron Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12290958Janna Renae Paronto195641 Bellasera Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7313236Susan Gail Beaudet1955656 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12180561Martha Jean Dutro194179 Ashley Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610021Nancy L. Frye194751 Brown Thrasher Court, Richmond hill 31324-3457Accepted
10313546Cecelia Coleman Dunbar1956163 Ainsdale Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12018061Dennis Tyrone Dunning II199374 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3931329Laura Fayette Bly195531 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3420Canceled
1166463Gina Simone Hughes1964551 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7972373Julie Delong197332 Sterling Creek Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609437James Allen Biddle1943836 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3463Accepted
7823027Allen Green1958829 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3561Accepted
8382727Alexandria Michelle Hendrickson199371 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3470Accepted
4477199Brenda Marie Carr1959188 Whippoorwill Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1553146Angel Denice Hodges1971201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3673974James R. Michael1932469 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8117749Jessie Ann Larson198265 Oak Hill Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11636308Jalynn Shanease Williams199934 Cypress Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3920309Jennifer Cater1978174 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1546121Tiffany Attica Bogle1971201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1559047Jack Arlington Brown193438 Ryan Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4195Canceled
6699775Eugenio G. Martinez1948344 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3502Accepted
4993194Janice Sapp Durrence195675 Whippoorwill Lane W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1533770Steven Douglas Hibberts194856 Frugality Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324-4236Canceled
11777153Caleb Scott Kirby1998135 Cypress Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11108761Issaka Guebre198274 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8267657Cody Graham Glass199140 Wild Honey Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11337766Shawntae Stroud Walker197091 Blue Wing Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11122531Dylan Lamar Rowell198744 Brown Thrasher Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11468315Deborah Rose Durrance1957201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11010411Brittany Lynn McNeer198611 Jack Snipe Court W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8803764Cassandra Denise Jones1984201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1605367Cathy Wilde Blanz194951 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3413Accepted
5878782Carl A. Hartloge Jr.1938201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609514Sybil W. Dudley1946184 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10183234Herbert Cloves Haas194211 Whippoorwill Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5294469Ethel Susan Davis195087 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1607784Thomas Gerard Ravita1948396 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10392995Khaled Said Yousef196746 Cut Off Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11809391Shannon Heiple197557 Bellasera Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3367335Joseph Wade Simmons1958114 Cutt Off Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10444598Jashbhai Chhotabhai Patel19464780 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12282515Manisha Patel19823926 U.S. Highway 17, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5873760Mary Sharon Boyn1958495 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3580Canceled
11257211Nicholas Edward Stone-Roof199812 Blue Heron Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8819253Kristyn Starr Fielding19942550 Harris Trail Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4682289Misty Dawn Jenkins1974180 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609778Ingeborg R. Biddle1948836 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610522Revitha M. Heller1939373 Sterling Creek Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4133Canceled
4844366Kathleen Petty196495 Quail Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
7813085Carolyn B. Green1947829 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3561Accepted
3905229Wayne Pitts1957506 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3459Canceled
6210782Paterno Zarate Tavares1948382 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1610291Barbara A. Pitts1958506 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
4982373Leverne Nathaniel Jackman1949701 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4263085Carolyn M. Rosier1957536 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11424847Matthew John Morelli198361 Ainsdale Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1611211Mary Alice Marshall1936201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
6541362Rick Brian Peeples1964579 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3437Accepted
11651571Janet Norman194630 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4314867Tonia Renee Fisher197571 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3470Accepted
5970669Benjamin Paul Stupi Jr.195284 Ashley Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
8508989Temeka Lashaunda Franklin197769 Ainsdale Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11256541Cassidy Ann Bradshaw199995 Egrets Nest Lane W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8331768Lois Natalie Houck1958171 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3518Canceled
10140697David Thomas Lovering Sr.1958160 Cutt Off Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5843305Latoya Evonne Golden1984201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8820141Debra Ann Carlson195538 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6011235Montiko Jamar Scott197830 Eagle Nest Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11895347Grier Elizabeth Ring1993166 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604196James Robert Dudley1949184 Sandpiper Road, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10149811Laura May Haas194611 Whippoorwill Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1604338Alfred Lee Haynes194260 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3415Canceled
1579031Terry Ann Spyers1959114 Cutt Off Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10453788Tanya Plocek Yousef198146 Cut Off Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11843128Alexander P. Vu198712 Memory Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8400945Jamila Sharante Sams199234 Cypress Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10147183Melissa Gema Sequeira1992273 Cypress Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10601191McMillan Lalsee197482 Jack Snipe Court E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10061959Penny Lane Bouton1971322 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10313541Calvin Julius Dunbar1953163 Ainsdale Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8212271Robert Russell Hearn1959280 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609820John A. Mallory195650 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609189Michael Coffe1967121 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4067618Elvis Arness Ford195746 Mallard Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11097307Melvin Lee Cox Jr.195675 Whippoorwill Lane W., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4723678Samuel Scott Tredwell19611 Cat Tail Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11098577Yamille Marrero-Gomez197418 Bellasera Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6482874Theresa L. Johnson194515 Mallard Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6738823Marcus Wayne Pitts1987506 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7051803Sarah Lynn Hyder1984175 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3412Accepted
7183731Joseph N. Hamilton Jr.1952201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10403305Joslyne Donetta Cohen199786 Blue Heron Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12024430Aaron Lin1994503 Waybridge Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10725521Hyuck June Oh1985697 Waybridge Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
3675802Leola M. Michael1935469 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3739049Altomese Marie Brown1947140 Cutt Off Way, Richmond hill 31324-4128Accepted
1559048Norma E. Brown193738 Ryan Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10342987Carolyn S. Jenkins1957201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1608507Joseph Lamar Binion195286 Eagle Nest Lane, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7628542Richard Wallace Houghton1952121 Reese Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10236593Jazsmine A. Thomas1995124 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10961698Terry Eugene Mayall195292 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5502050Marilyn B. Bowen1943115 Blue Heron Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11009525Selinda Larvetta Torbert1971267 Cypress Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
10831396Christine Elizabeth Kurilko1949511 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10640398Clyde L. Shepard194572 Bellasera Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12252644Anthony Cartaya197675 Brown Thrasher Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5176749Ina Helen Coursey195181 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
12252649Jill Marie Detwiler1994314 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1609081Cari Lynn Maes-Rivera1971224 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4547108Sharon D. Dempsey195626 Jack Snipe Court E., Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1584540Brenda S. Buttimer195433 Blue Heron Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
3848047Mercedes Torres Young195445 Blue Heron Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604339Jill A. Haynes194760 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3415Canceled
5692668Harry Greene1934436 Barnard Road, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11302935Maria Ward198328 Cypress Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11256666Susan Marie Hamilton1957201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11937226Jack Bryant Grant1960100 Cypress Pointe Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11579920Cindy Rodriguez1989545 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8960640Edison Maurice Jackson196994 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1605414Daniel Joseph Brown195669 Eagle Nest Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5446707Adriana Jean Delong194351 Sterling Creek Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4164Accepted
12008464Matthew Daggett19853 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4586984Timothy White1963223 Wild Honey Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11796362Xiomara M. Ortiz1985531 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1609214Diane L. Richardson195334 Winding Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10781234Andrea Jeanne Frankle197550 Little Stream Court, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
1084107Donna Kennedy Trifonov1948323 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324-4119Accepted
1603941Willie M. Boles1950201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
4557271Robert Stanley Young1958854 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6086160Dorothy L. Thompson1963906 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3461Canceled
3904789Beverly Ann Cohen196886 Blue Heron Court, Richmond hill 31324-3424Accepted
11098523Xavier Zambrana Fajardo197418 Bellasera Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5069535David Lee White195435 Bee Keeper Court, Richmond hill 31324-4110Accepted
3835666Kenneth Kubicki195181 Egrets Nest Lane E., Richmond hill 31324Canceled
7748964Catherine Milanes Tavares1948382 Piercefield Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3445Accepted
1510738Tangela Monique Early1974225 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11511777Joseph Marlan Morehead1962208 Bald Eagle Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1564779Gwendolyn Janise Copeland195551 Quail Lane, Richmond hill 31324-3403Accepted
6804872Allison E. Wildman1951192 Frugality Hall Road, Richmond hill 31324-4238Accepted
7389564David Jeremy Blanz197451 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3413Accepted
7134798Crystal Norwood198570 Quail Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10713270Christopher Shepherd1981196 Rice Gate Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5680043Huey Lee Burchett1931355 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1604561Mary L. Mallory195150 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324-3447Canceled
1607576Doris Fleming Harden1952135 Osprey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
5820559Sonya Michelle Trenaman1971226 Egret Circle, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8188069Alisica Alexanorder Eady1991201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
11444009Tiffany Elena Dobbins199661 Pelican Lane, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6884002Hisham Magdy El-Shaffey198722 Teal Lake Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11517959Christopher Charles Wipper1985200 Wild Honey Court, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
10432555Samantha Edith Donahue1976474 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
1073250Teresa Darlene Hale1959201 Casey Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
12155003Jessica Rose Drouin1981530 Waybridge Way, Richmond hill 31324Canceled
11734683Anna Gloria Trevino198390 Bellasera Way, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
8708384Phyllis Coughlin Boney195351 Blue Wing Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
5714856Octavia O. Wilkins198572 Cut Off Drive, Richmond hill 31324Accepted
6331763Donald Mayers1962415 Falcon Drive, Richmond hill 31324-3580Accepted
11353986Veronica Lynn Fischer1977164 Lewis Drive, Richmond hill 31324Canceled



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