
Savannah Standard

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Chatham County - Precinct 4-10C issued 450 absentee ballots in the general election

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Chatham County - Precinct 4-10C issued 450 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Chatham County - Precinct 4-10C voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
387807George Ashe Hammer III19525 Carpenter Road, Tybee island 31328-8757Accepted
1081412John J. Eddington194516 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328-9701Accepted
1584738Kimberley K. Fox1957107 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589045Bonnie Bennett Craft193615 Teresa Lane, Tybee island 31328-8789Canceled
1588428Mary C. Mulle19594 Sea Breeze Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589431James Patrick Locklear193513 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4595473Lawrence M. Williams III1942136 Pelican Drive, Tybee island 31328-9707Canceled
2219863Scott Alan Maher19588 Bay View Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8915803Christine Jones Denmark19554 Gabby Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8419402Marlene Cairney V19579 Carpenter Road, Tybee island 31328Canceled
12183591Jean Marie Scudder19714 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1501375Delores C. Horne193828 Pulaski Street, Tybee island 31328-9720Canceled
1561704Sissy S. Levy19419 Oceanview Court, Tybee island 31328-9418Canceled
1588567Anthony John Scarwid Jr.19451 Fleetwood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1548235John Otto Howard19611211 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7438799Lewis Charles Schneider194920 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328-9304Accepted
8658074Anna Betsy Park Rabun194617 Sanctuary Place, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10452820Lea Danica Lynch19801306 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
12271705Nicola Georgia Velickovich19977 Driftwood Court, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1999939Floy Ann Jackson1942113 Pelican Court, Tybee island 31328Canceled
12277428Erin Ruth Van Eck19999 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1972772Holly Grell-Lawe19567 Logan Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1535096Timothy J. Steinhauser195622 Pulaski Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1582632William Harlan Kriener19511 Fort Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588497Harry Walter Pitts III19521107 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588498Mary Edgerly Pitts19521107 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8748Canceled
1588548Lawrence Wilson Rourke1940124 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328-9104Accepted
3165876Tamara Ann Mickle19571108 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8749Accepted
3018720David Allen Mickle19521108 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8749Accepted
4618348Gavin A. Murphy19545 Lighthouse Lane, Tybee island 31328-9305Accepted
3719322James P. Boyle19415 Pine Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3767341Stephen B. Wuori1946107 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1999961Fredrick Burl Jackson1961113 Pelican Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7406324Twila Roach Bryan1977174 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7162523Judith Ann Compton19426 Moore Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9423Accepted
8426978Carol Geneil Barbary195014 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8819Accepted
838079Anthony Joel Turpin196028 Naylor Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1595697Marianne Filson Fahey19561013 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8812Accepted
1587828Patricia Hager Anderson1940155 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588126Jack E. Flanigan193340 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328-9702Accepted
1588701Harold Charles Von Ohsen1950138 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2592359Maureen Murphy Moss19572 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9733Accepted
7680439Richard Ellis Jones19586 Brewers Lodge, Tybee island 31328-9763Accepted
8915830Joan B. Gara1952110 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1512452Ruth Riley Seibert194122 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10465676Nathan Lynch19791306 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11202305Cheryl Hickman Owen1954111 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4026690Kelly Ann Garrett19631217 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
12270580Amy Van Eck19719 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6497326Elaine Mitchell Robinson19427 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1154134Cynthia Ann Kapoulas Kohn195112 Teresa Lane, Tybee island 31328-8789Accepted
3182253Dorothy Ann Mohs194510 Sea Breeze Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5340347Alice Anne Mulle19624 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9733Canceled
6959927Clare Davis Killorin1959134 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
7103169Claudia Everett Baker19468 Bright Street, Tybee island 31328-9429Accepted
10105320Samantha Nicol Klosterman19922 Cedarwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10451891Alan W. Robertson19554 Driftwood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8370724Madigan Hines Critell199214 Meddin Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
256731Dennis T. Graney194271 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9426Accepted
10109720Wendy Robinson Shamroe19586 Meddin Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1505875Marlene J. Tomlin194238 Captain View, Tybee island 31328-8754Accepted
1512570Renee O. Teeple1947171 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9303Accepted
1583698John Michael Jakubiec195316 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587974Emmett Carter Jr.1929101 McKenzie Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588015Arnaldo Luis Correa Jr.1954216 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588125Belinda F. Flanigan1957115 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
1589977Kenneth Douglas Wade19571006 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8813Accepted
1588294James E. Kluttz19441 Officers Row, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588610Henry Turner Smith Jr.1946128 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Canceled
1588075Frank Drudi19454 Sea Breeze Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2061796Barbara B. Orr1947109 Pelican Court, Tybee island 31328-9708Canceled
2520283Janice Crosby Miller193822 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6477785James Rulon Adams19307 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11049696Kae'sha Nicole Russell199630 Captains View, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1154135John Frederick Kohn194712 Teresa Lane, Tybee island 31328-8789Accepted
1528424David A. Lake195185 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10759002Linda I. Strickland Koenings1951125 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1585772Kathleen Dutko1943131 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
1588198Victoria D. Hatchett19536 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588431Karen Myatt Sheehan195919 N. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588568Margaret G. Scarwid19481 Fleetwood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588746Anne Elizabeth Wilson19518 Taylor Street, Tybee island 31328-9717Accepted
1556688Elizabeth B. Beeson19522 Sandalwood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2138371Jan Wexler196672 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9425Accepted
2227159Michelle Hagins Dubois196549 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4980734Henry Douglas Burford195028 Pulaski Street, Tybee island 31328-9720Accepted
8544856Christopher Carlton Thompson19721217 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11482725Hugh Jacob Rule19981315 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11835781Matthew Arthur Terrero19686 Hosti Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1516572James Ludlow Maury194427 Pulaski Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1596351Pamelia M. Sahr19534 Anderson Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588395Barbara B. Miller19356 Dogwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589432Mary H. Locklear193613 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588682Denise L. Titus1952122 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1589635Anne E. Paul1954115 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328-9300Canceled
4741196Daisymae Laverne Washington198161 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9426Canceled
3344321Michael Richard Rule19631315 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7963158Cheryl L. Clay19551212 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9788Accepted
8802258Susan Lynn Else19591111 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
6293168Deborah E. Zacharchuk195318 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588547Janet Christine Rourke1946124 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1580090Deborah Ann Robinson19632 Lighthouse Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3631762Sherry Lynn Wells1955114 Pelican Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3284900Dennis Michael Hartman19531212 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9788Accepted
3563548Julie Kay McCoy19611103 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9787Accepted
6610658Karen Sue Dunham194520 N. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9315Accepted
7230435Ellen Laurel Schoolar198012 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9780Accepted
8325193Jerry Curtis McLain19503 Lullwater Road, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10451892Marla Kim Robertson19554 Driftwood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1398194Joe Bert Roberson19527 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4659712Beth Ellen Rogers1964132 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10137892Nancy Leila Humphrey195142 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1542572Dolores H. Myatt193119 N. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1583697Diane G. Jakubiec195216 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588016Sandra Pulliam Correa1954216 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588158Benjamin Joseph Goggins194831 Officers Row, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588337Katherine R. Looper194614 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588513Karen B. Pye19521218 U.S. Highway 80, Tybee island 31328-9772Accepted
1588584Sue Ann Seyden19471013 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2653787Sandra Jean Carroll19565 Moore Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9424Accepted
2759816Victoria Kay Knight1949109 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
3746712Christine U. Iannuzzi19554 Kingry Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4285282Anita Joy Marx1941113 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5253429Carolyn B. Greene19517 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6876647Renee Shamp194766 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10647289Paul Stephen Fardy194113 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10652593Robert Davidson Bell Jr.19527 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10817473Jacqueline Dawn Velickovich19657 Driftwood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7908051Anthony Joseph Seichrist1982154 Pelican Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11907703Roland Roscoe Denmark Jr.1950158 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1594507Lisa Lepofsky Callahan1950204 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328-9309Canceled
1587893Gayna R. Bernstein19519 Sprucewood Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587926Wade H. Breazell III193812 N. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9306Accepted
1588139Nancy E. Frankenhauser194614 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328-9304Canceled
1588975Jackson R. Carter195113 Dogwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588626Diana Pierce Solomon195441 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328Canceled
3767039Paul Herbert Wolff19518 Moore Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5589671Gloria Jane Bridges19498 Lighthouse Lane, Tybee island 31328-9305Accepted
8601351Caroline Ida Summerwood1939132 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1952602Richard Kent Failing194782 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1881329Patricia M. Allgood194815 Officers Row, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588177Teresa J. Gruendl1948112 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588479Patricia Patterson19502 Lullwater Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1556687Charles Walker Beeson II19382 Sandalwood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1557677Linda M. Cleary19381 Driftwood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2327466Lola Evalyn Randall195510 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9792Accepted
6574276Max Benno Buckner19878 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
489501Nancy Louise Stanley1948122 Andrea Drive, Tybee island 31328-9100Canceled
1501535Mark Joseph Nathan194817 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9734Accepted
1589134Margaret Stegin Dulohery19393 Northshore Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3116207Julia K. Timmons19452 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328-9304Accepted
3915795Henry Nemo Chafin Jr.194023 Meddin Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5351295Diana Christie Killorin1952134 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8408094Philip Terry Rosen19462 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9400Accepted
1588244Kimberly H. Howard19591 Moore Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588332Sharon Lynn Logan19506 Naylor Lane, Tybee island 31328-9428Accepted
1574748Jennifer Beryl Brooks19471115 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4704831Sharon Lynn Bohler19521017 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328Rejected
5552705Phyllis R. Elaine Spencer1934212 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328-9309Accepted
7619384Anna Karen Scott19501217 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9789Accepted
11507771Joanna D. Roseberry195418 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1331301David Baxter Baker19538 Bright Street, Tybee island 31328-9429Accepted
1542572Dolores H. Myatt193119 N. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1582912Cindy Louise Stevens19581014 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1582337Beverly A. Bracco Flanagan19551206 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9788Canceled
1584689Edward Peter Dutko1940131 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
1588309Nancy N. Lafavor194762 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588766Jacquelyn B. Yglesias1946125 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Canceled
1548279Melba Kay Judd1961106 Sea Lane, Tybee island 31328-9709Accepted
5165467Sandra Crosby Eddington194616 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328-9701Accepted
5807447Carrie Elizabeth Fletcher198514 Naylor Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5465020Molly Lu Hannas1953212 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7162470Aletha Dean Carter194713 Naylor Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
12061924David Lee Belitskus19386 River Oak Lane, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11009133Cameron Andrew Binder19987 Wilson Drive, Tybee island 31328Canceled
758972Carroll Joseph Fogle Jr.1953104 Byers Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
5502656Peggy Jean Hilleary19481 Alger Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1587982Carol Staples Nathan195417 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9734Canceled
1588041Sherry Couch Crowell1951121 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
2650351Robert Sproul19485 Moore Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9424Accepted
4056676Rebecca J. Setliff19515 Pine Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3962208Grace L. Matthews Stewart195614 Anderson Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8884082Lois Irene Knowlton194242 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9780Canceled
8659729John Brewton Rabun Jr.194617 Sanctuary Place, Tybee island 31328Canceled
6860885Leonora Faye Davis195016 Logan Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11078958Edward Graham Harold19513 Shipwatch Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1878628Susan Moss Adams1952145 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1501721William Harmon Strong Jr.194740 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9780Accepted
1528937Linda L. Wright195385 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9726Canceled
1595372Carole Barnes Beason1952150 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1595373Fred Nelson Beason Jr.1951150 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4424929Rebecca Butler Bostwick1940106 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328-9104Accepted
3716970Elizabeth May Chodzin194816 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4979646Virginia Mary Risi Cook193815 Lighthouse Lane, Tybee island 31328-9305Accepted
6893001Lauri Lynn Engler196512 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
8738825Olivia Jane McTeer199420 Dav Island Road, Tybee island 31328Canceled
8795245Dakotah Leeann Centers19911211 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8660373Gina Marie Rushing Byrd19604 Logan Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1581170Thurman Ronnie Wells1949114 Pelican Court, Tybee island 31328-9708Accepted
2345612Kathryn Harrison McMillan19681015 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8812Accepted
4904672Thomas Tracy Ray196616 Dav Island Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6964274Dennis Michael Counihan1950152 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4844730Anna Katherine Blake198116 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2005140June Johnson194682 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
12183589Wayne Allen Scudder19534 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587949Venetia R. Butler1949151 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9303Accepted
1587972Betty M. Carter195413 Dogwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1591968Dean Vincent Moesch19598 Sandlewood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3526391Brenda Fay Watrous19606 Brewers Lodge, Tybee island 31328-9763Accepted
3559191Cynthia E. Ward195214 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5238359Regina Elaine Glass195410 Oceanview Court, Tybee island 31328-9418Accepted
7384818Ryan Lane Taylor198122 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1088392Patricia E. Steinhauser195722 Pulaski Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1505876Sammy Tomlin193538 Captain View, Tybee island 31328-8754Accepted
1533616Charles Raymond Cole193517 Meddin Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588187Mary Jean Hall1948108 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4526936Donald T. Doyle1954208 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328-9309Accepted
2401063Charlene G. Grissom19484 Cason Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5541138James Clifford Hilleary19481 Alger Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
7671230Mary Cuquet Felchlin19548 Moore Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8081225Dennis B. Alexander194337 Pulaski Street, Tybee island 31328-9719Accepted
2252496Walter Franklin Peck1943119 Cedarwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7818395Robert Andrew Garcia196725 Meddin Drive, Tybee island 31328Canceled
824210Helen Christine Peters194713 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
128345Kenneth Lamar Goodson193714 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9647Accepted
804730Eric Griffin Fountain19741004 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9782Accepted
1889282Peter O. Bannon194519 Officers Row, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588142Paul Edward Freeman19526 Cedarwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588193Fran P. Harold19513 Shipwatch Lane, Tybee island 31328-9758Accepted
1588654Sam Stewart Jr.194214 Anderson Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4595474Linda Smith Williams1944136 Pelican Drive, Tybee island 31328-9707Canceled
6961316Liza Rule19601315 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
6981202William Perry Butler1978151 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6333858Courtney A. Snyder19753 River Oak Lane, Tybee island 31328Canceled
7458700Annice Estes194910 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
356575Lisa Rene Parrott19725 Kingry Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
12183589Wayne Allen Scudder19534 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1536216Jenni T. Taylor19557 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328-9304Accepted
1588231Bonnie Sue Hosti1952126 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328-9104Accepted
1573269Stephen Foster Coleman19471213 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9789Canceled
4979570Louis Bertram Cook Jr.193415 Lighthouse Lane, Tybee island 31328-9305Accepted
5521867Susann Louise Bentley19551004 Live Oak Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6495338Garey Keith Woodard1938113 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
7786675Larry Darnell Carswell19657 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8543888Mac Alan Babb19555 Fort Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
223055Nancy Vogler Bain1951119 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11334893Thomas Edward Lynch19516 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
678640Janice F. Moore19561010 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
508417Paul M. Sereni1949145 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
762314Wanda G. Dianne Doyle1950208 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588453Vivian A. Ortiz1944162 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9314Accepted
1588707Ronald O. Walker1952109 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328-9300Canceled
2998497Janet Henry Rutledge194219 Teresa Lane, Tybee island 31328-8789Canceled
2227053Nancy M. Eschette19507 Shipwatch Lane, Tybee island 31328-9758Canceled
10348367William Oscar Sawyers III195826 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4396646Phillip Robertson19537 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1501375Delores C. Horne193828 Pulaski Street, Tybee island 31328-9720Canceled
10759000Jeffrey Paul Koenings1947125 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587972Betty M. Carter195413 Dogwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1589767Daniel Thomas Scarwid1952124 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589209Armin Espy Geissler1946100 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588474Michael G. Pappas19485 Wilson Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588554Kathleen D. Salter1955119 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
5608486Gary Lee Bentley19471004 Live Oak Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8923691Thomas Jerome Shamroe19566 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9733Accepted
2756936Nina B. Fort19565 Dav Island Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1019466Regina Inez Bryan1976174 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588199Barbara Dowell Hayes195046 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9425Accepted
1588220Elizabeth J. Hodges195012 Dogwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9727Accepted
1588267Joyce R. Johnson1946100 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328-9104Canceled
1588396Betty Hendrix Miller1934104 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588486Helene L. Peterson19484 Palmwood Street, Tybee island 31328-9715Canceled
1588555Steve Hollie Salter1953119 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
3326679Nadine Neville-Turpin196128 Naylor Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8382621Charles Moore Matlock Jr.1946108 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10220839Sarah Joyce Colson Cole194217 Meddin Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2015836Sue Ellen Kirkland19571019 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1878391Larry Michael Adams1953145 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11307397Tristan Lawrence Sevdy197912 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11927252Susan Mann Kimbrell19501008 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
973113Nancy C. Lee Smith193810 Teresa Lane, Tybee island 31328-8789Rejected
1588045Dominic A. Dalesandro Jr.1946223 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328-9103Canceled
1589213Christina G. Burke197110 N. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9315Accepted
1588486Helene L. Peterson19484 Palmwood Street, Tybee island 31328-9715Canceled
1589431James Patrick Locklear193513 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588073Larry Mark Dozier Sr.194813 Carpenter Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1548235John Otto Howard19611211 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4583558Glenn Riggs195440 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4595474Linda Smith Williams1944136 Pelican Drive, Tybee island 31328-9707Canceled
5838072Elizabeth F. Ann Jung19561103 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9787Accepted
5888648James Wylie Gustin19832552 Crusoe Island Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7118052Frank Powell Rauls19433 Beechwood Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8408091Kerry F. Rosen19472 Rosewood Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9400Accepted
8102645Shirley Ann Wright194737 Pulaski Street, Tybee island 31328-9719Canceled
12183591Jean Marie Scudder19714 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588705Pauline W. Walker1954109 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328-9300Canceled
4766934Suzanne Stpierre19474 Teresa Lane, Tybee island 31328-8789Accepted
3279381Elaine Bledsoe Kitchens194613 Captains View, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4605173Diana Churchill1953128 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328-9104Accepted
2252495Janice Minish Peck1948119 Cedarwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7230328John Jerold Scott19441217 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9789Accepted
8125642Kathleen Mary Young19461006 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11969382Rachelle Reyes19665 River Oak Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11927879Jeremy Joel Sutor197818 Anderson Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1536214Drexel Taylor19537 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587908Donald R. Bostwick Jr.1934106 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587986Norbert John Chandler1952126 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588176Steven R. Gruendl1954112 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4832763Norma Bowlin Brock194210 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4595473Lawrence M. Williams III1942136 Pelican Drive, Tybee island 31328-9707Canceled
3479393Daniele D. Foust Hammer19575 Carpenter Road, Tybee island 31328-8757Accepted
4176850John Michael Brooks1942124 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328-9308Accepted
3944414Ronald William Titus1938122 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Canceled
8520736Kelli Jean Lawson19781228 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8547762Joseph Allen Lewis Jr.19468 Lighthouse Lane, Tybee island 31328-9305Accepted
3174438Julia Sparks Stepp194313 N. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10424300Ann Simonds Pierce19524 Waterside Walk, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11384891Donald George Edwards19556 Carpenter Road, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11857175Michael J. Bernstein19545 Sprucewood Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
758973Marla Morris Fogle1953104 Byers Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11850743Laura Lee Messenger195913 Dav Island Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587962Theresa Hosti Cannady194661 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588484Dawn Eugenia Peterson19516 Cedarwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9777Accepted
1589432Mary H. Locklear193613 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4520721Fawn Demoiselle Smiley196810 Cedarwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9777Canceled
3540180Patricia Anne Fisher19641102 Laurel Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8749Accepted
7261435Katherine Hollis Beall19431217 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9789Accepted
8747666Carol Ann Weidner194910 Anderson Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10374659Robert Clark Perry19495 Oceanview Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1516571Gordon K. Matthews1943121 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328-9300Accepted
1587972Betty M. Carter195413 Dogwood Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588140Richard K. Frankenhauser194414 Horse Pen Point, Tybee island 31328-9304Canceled
1588186Douglas Lester Hall1949108 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588202Leland Norman Hayes Jr.194246 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588336Carlos Looper193814 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9780Accepted
1588473Marianne M. Pappas19475 Wilson Drive, Tybee island 31328-9422Accepted
1589362Ronald David Jones1942200 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328-9105Canceled
1589564Cynthia Tulik Murphy19545 Lighthouse Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4643525Lynn P. Engler194612 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9780Canceled
5776477William Olin Cannon Jr.195010 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9792Accepted
5238328James Francis Glass194210 Oceanview Court, Tybee island 31328-9418Accepted
6188314Julie Gayle Solomon1983154 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
8382623Cheryl Ann McGrath Matlock1946108 Eagles Nest Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8390279Michael De Vane Denmark19544 Gabby Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11202301Michael Curtis Owen1951111 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11853445Kyle Haworth Jackson2000158 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1585054Danny Hugh McIntosh1958107 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589361Patricia Hall Jones1945200 Catalina Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589421Richard Oland Lee1934119 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328-9706Accepted
1589689James W. Price Jr.194420 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328-9701Canceled
2775498June A. Merkle19483 Moore Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9424Accepted
3922659Nancy Beth Shull19531115 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4586646Eve Gabrielle Condon19581217 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2586826Muriel O. Lindsay19421201 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328-9789Accepted
5275248Shawn Francis Price19825 Breezy Point Road, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5529118Elizabeth Lindsay Hedrick19411105 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6871554David J. Aab19571217 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2652535Susan Oldham Leonard19447 Hodges Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10388392Jeri Elena Monroe19532 River Oak Lane, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10499874Kevin Richard Lomasney1958104 Pelican Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5681286Kristin Patricia Calvert196526 Veterans Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8432390Kimberly Alison Cramer199311 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10113263Thomas Joseph O'Leary199577 Polk Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11602731Donna Jo Allen195831 Officers Row, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10509424Matthew Joseph Calvert199726 Veterans Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
499604Patti Oliphant McLain19513 Lullwater Road, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588241Sharon Floyd Hosti19623 Wilson Drive, Tybee island 31328-9422Accepted
1588609Elizabeth Balleng Smith1951128 San Marco Drive, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588667Betty Boyd Strong193940 Van Horne Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9780Accepted
1588069William Allen Dowell1947307 Polk Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4411342Andrea Marie Waddington19724 Anderson Court, Tybee island 31328Canceled
7445535Clifford Bentsen194610 Meddin Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8423748Donovan Pierce Bragg1993176 S. Campbell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8431546Glory Elizabeth Padgett199322 Estill Hammock Road, Tybee island 31328-9701Accepted
10514251Sherry D. Shaw1948104 Pelican Court, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7248325Geoffrey Roy Hilt19881217 Bay Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10649234Judith Lengyel Rice194613 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11968465William Deward Lawson19761228 Solomon Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted



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