
Savannah Standard

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Chatham County - Precinct 4-11C issued 467 absentee ballots in the general election


Chatham County - Precinct 4-11C issued 467 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Chatham County - Precinct 4-11C voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
1505751Natalie Marie Loftin1967603 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589367Metalis S. Wilson Joyner19396 Center Terrace, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588731Gale M. Whittington1944126 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9714Accepted
1592049Jykla Ann Peper1954817 First Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2655372Shirley Carroll Sessions19471206 Venetian Drive, Tybee island 31328-8788Accepted
2049629Michael Stephen Moody1953701 First Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
5490114John Thomas King1974607 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6821173Sarah Elizabeth Beason1983501 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10421889David Barnes Camden19631316 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11480344Gary Boughner1969204 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11368232Wayne Edward Yonka19501707 Strand, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1549413Mary Frances Peacock1948201 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588970Patricia Bryan Carpenter1952901 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589516Cynthia K. Meyer194910 12th Street, Tybee island 31328-9556Accepted
1589517Elizabeth Jones Meyer1930301 Eighth Street, Tybee island 31328-9539Accepted
1588894Nancy Buckley Boylston19461407 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1591209Maurice Alan Sheppard19411010 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9628Accepted
1557124Gustave Maurice Kreh19475 Sixth Terrace, Tybee island 31328Canceled
8082493Frances Beach Galloway1952153 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9791Accepted
10283777Tomm Clifford Maresh1952152 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10327950Emma Elizabeth Davis19962 14th Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11877804Pamela Lovato19651403 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1536484Brenda L. Bragg19466 Atlantic Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1583745Sheri Cooper Kicklighter19577 Center Terrace, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588952Anna Helena Butler19541212 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9596Canceled
1589737David Lawrence Rome1941301 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1589957Marilyn Ann Tuten1951914 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589058Bruce Andrew Culbreth1953103 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588494Lawrence Alan Piper1947127 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9791Accepted
1589373Deborah Ann Kearney19571101 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1589518Eric Craig Meyer194710 12th Street, Tybee island 31328-9556Accepted
1591210Nancy Robertson Sheppard19431010 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1556900Brenda Phillips Feus19488 12th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2407154Clinton J. Boram Jr.1939123 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9791Accepted
5697854James Steven Domnitz1951404 Eighth Street, Tybee island 31328-9517Accepted
8033926Jennifer Marie Leatherwood196826 Atlantic Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8425714Samantha Anne Basco19937 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328-8742Rejected
2665156Stephen Samuel Friedman19542 Eighth Place, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10383865Laura C. Heisey19501116 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10422388Augustus H. Heisey III19451116 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2058236Neil R. Nickelsen19418 13th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10187409Alain Joseph Roy19651414 Seventh Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1582541Linda K. Hilts19506 Marsh Creek Cove, Tybee island 31328-9534Accepted
1589730Michael James Roach19491605 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588239Michael Joseph Hosti19541101 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9630Canceled
1589270Frank Edward Heidt Jr.19351001 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589344Elizabeth Ann Johnson19551002 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10164699Ronald Hubert Bird Jr.19553 17th Place, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4306022Leo M. Hayser1953501 Fifth Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5812597Enedina Maria Rissman1936713 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9622Canceled
4951394Peter Stanley Berquist1955502 10th Street, Tybee island 31328-8808Accepted
5393262Virginia Price Masingill19491311 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6809329Robert Tompkins19411 Ninth Street, Tybee island 31328-8716Canceled
7087658Robert Gordon Green19451308 Seventh Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8544517Joanne Louise Naylor19641503 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10646279Healy Leah Tillman Chait1995904 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4120306Cynthia Ann Campbell19651308 Seventh Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2060971Maureen A. Oleary19501105 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10909418Hubert Leo Summers19346 13th Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2777219Mark N. Reed19571515 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6596674Howard Lee Cheek Jr.1960817 First Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1000033Noel Marie Bretz1956911 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1593712Marlene Epstein Dobbs19477 Ninth Street, Tybee island 31328-8716Accepted
1587841Anthony Kurt Balcom1952408 McLeod Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8792Accepted
1589375Henry Frank Kelley19291301 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589463Anna N. Marcantonio1942103 Third Street, Tybee island 31328-9512Canceled
1588893Jack Clifton Boylston Jr.19481407 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8756Accepted
1593052James W. Miller19442 11th Street, Tybee island 31328-8715Accepted
2606078Nicholas Niles Sears19441304 Venetian Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3916178Mary Rose McLendon1930601 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4070031Marcelle Vogel Cherau1940114 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9712Accepted
2015561Rebekah D. Kinsey19361404 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8713Accepted
5337152Christina Lyn Ingram Gant197526 Atlantic Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6403396John Larry Nesbitt1946807 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-7705Canceled
7877691Edith Horton19541207 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9736Accepted
12071708Glenn Lee Reddick1948301 Tybrisa Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11880621Nike Alexandra Pappas19949 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1582923Patricia Ohayer Sheppard1938810 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589044Linda Harrison Cox1940812 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9606Canceled
1589603Frank Butler Ouzts III19491611 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8746Accepted
1589639Mallory Pearce19358 Fifth Street, Tybee island 31328-9687Accepted
2814388Anne Waters Miller19482 12th Street, Tybee island 31328-9556Accepted
5204896Julia Ann Dillon19381701 Strand, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3990750Dorinda Dee Healy Chait1963904 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11508621Kaye Benasa Bardeloza1983201 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11517295Michael David Luxner1950612 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6041694Sybil A. Lee1941105 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588921Juanita E. Brown1938103 First Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589718Cheryl G. Reynolds1948611 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8829Accepted
1589340Cecil Rustin Johnson Jr.19521002 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1558241Anne S. Blanco19433 11th Terrace, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5830580Patrick John Fucci1957301 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4865238Jody Tenoeven Buelterman1974302 Eighth Street, Tybee island 31328-9538Canceled
8389797Walter Todd Naylor19621503 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8292071Richard Eugene Speegle1959704 14th Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10336094Sarah Morgan Randolph19961519 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10594916Miguelina Feliciano Reyes197914 17th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10209146Francis Rust Wooldridge19431508 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589764Cathy J. Sakas19511206 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3279301Gilman Erik Alstad Jr.19591701 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3410305Daniel Lockwood19441015 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9535Accepted
4544707Joan Marie Wambold1930608 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9601Accepted
10132225Linda Lyall Hellstrom19421204 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
8742449Bryan Francis Knakiewicz1983829 First Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
529775Dabney Adams Edenfield19511408 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7471258Ruth Whitley Wilson19551304 Venetian Drive, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10890721Alexandra Rose Friedman19932 Eighth Place, Tybee island 31328Accepted
744883James R. Waller19371506 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9699Accepted
1505603Edmon Cohen Burnsed1940109 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9713Accepted
1587566Michael Anthony Sheffield19521309 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589315Jeanne Mooney Hutton19471306 Venetian Drive, Tybee island 31328-8736Accepted
1589530Robert Clifton Millikan1936115 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9541Accepted
1588071Harry S. Downs1950147 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9791Accepted
1558391Marion Ray Summers19366 13th Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4297942David Alan Blackmon195714 17th Street, Tybee island 31328-8811Accepted
6883165Tammy Rich Wilson19631308 Seventh Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2509872Jennifer Ann Olson1958160 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11077412Ziv Navon196910 Fishermans Walk, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10883143Margret Niehaus Kuehni1939807 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5100413Jessica Jane Dentel1982502 Eighth Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
254691Neca Blair Stoller19421409 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1068807Charles Ray Utley Sr.1936812 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9606Canceled
10209154Joyce Elizabeth Wooldridge19441508 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1590019Robert L. Wheat1928406 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8826Accepted
1590086Margaret B. Wylly19471701 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8751Accepted
5146059Rita P. Jane Eichelzer19431504 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8139096Melissa Sue Badley1969204 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8551828Kelly Margaret Cook1993609 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11348066Gregory Vincent Fowler19547 Village Place, Tybee island 31328Canceled
5539505Erik Keith Proveaux19731601 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6596671Kathleen Mary Braun Cheek1952817 First Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10156261Rebecca Jeanne Payne19509 Silver Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1541888Marcia Erickson Viers196410 Eighth Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1738030Ronald Lee Chadwick19451506 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9637Canceled
1589003Mallie Baldwin Clark19501610 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8745Accepted
1589259James Otis Hatcher III19481206 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9596Accepted
1589373Deborah Ann Kearney19571101 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1589383Clifford Eugene Kevill1951407 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589452Richard Grant Magune19351304 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8767Accepted
1588913Carol Elizabeth Brown1959403 10th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1557445Marcus B. Seligman19431301 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9405Accepted
4739219Susan Anne Moyer1959112 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5811397Hugh G. Mahany19421115 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5125829Robert David Hough19541101 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6423555Patricia Miller Wann19501512 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8774Accepted
6403384Bonnie Fran Nesbitt1948807 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8734Canceled
7554532William Barker Blakey19451619 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8739842Genette Eaton19431701 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3941987Susan Fay Bird19563 17th Place, Tybee island 31328Accepted
141992Susan Watt Cable19481512 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11676345Kevin Paul Cook196118 Sixth Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10378372Ian Benjamin Maresh1992152 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8359207Kelsey Marie Furgason1993402 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8551828Kelly Margaret Cook1993609 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11104778Sarah Wilkes Davis Chait1998904 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2316005Richard Douglas Hawkins19541303 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1582716Michael John McDevitt19401215 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9416Accepted
1584003Elaine M. Myers19461213 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9523Accepted
1589585Teresa Cheryl Norton19481703 Inlet Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9623Accepted
1589650Carroll L. Phillips19451301 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3118150Judith R. McNaughton1947144 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9714Accepted
2814388Anne Waters Miller19482 12th Street, Tybee island 31328-9556Canceled
4306020Barbara Jean Hayser1953501 Fifth Street, Tybee island 31328-9627Canceled
5730661Anna Marlis Burgard1964817 First Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
5393262Virginia Price Masingill19491311 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
6064619David Wade Satterfield19701406 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
8525515Teresa Ann Warren19553 Third Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6733776Duion Jacob Furgason1961402 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11348068Fidelia Lee Fowler19597 Village Place, Tybee island 31328Canceled
6338593William Brandon Knight1986501 15th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
682063Marsha Sheryl Lee Thomas1952404 14th Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10141767Sharon Oxley Dyer1949602 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587942James Guy Burke Jr.1935305 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588999Diane H. Clark19581610 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8745Accepted
1589988Ted Brannan Ward19651203 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9523Canceled
1591252John S. Solitario19611801 Strand, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10153154Nancie A. Johnson1959206 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1593054Mary Ann Miller19442 11th Street, Tybee island 31328-8715Accepted
5878679Lara Michelle Smith19721 Third Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4931941Benjamin Nelson Beason19793 Neptune Lane, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10336094Sarah Morgan Randolph19961519 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2359760Annette Mary Friedman19562 Eighth Place, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11877801Patrick Henry Lovato19641403 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11706518Donna Jean Collett19525 Village Place, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11945084Lauren Kathleen Williams19891201 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11824047Harry Alan Trout1955214 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1581010Patrick William Roach1944704 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589423Gloria Remion Leonard19331501 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589590Linda D. Odom19471301 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9501Accepted
1557574Harold B. Yellin19558 Ninth Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6178874John Louis Mapel19851302 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9633Accepted
5711723Whitney Lea Blake1983829 First Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4390941Kimberly Asbell George19643 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10589811Thomas Edward Liggins195610 Village Place, Tybee island 31328Accepted
279540Gerald Patrick Ragan1953802 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5540128Tracy Osborn1965109 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588944Patricia Smith Burke19444 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328-8742Canceled
1589237Herbert S. Greenblum1942601 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8829Accepted
1589271Joan E. Heidt19321001 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9676Accepted
1589530Robert Clifton Millikan1936115 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9541Canceled
1579132Leigh J. Johnston Ward1961214 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5146292Diane Hudson Pappas19481211 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9523Accepted
6609805Dana Christie Reinschmidt19431 Ninth Street, Tybee island 31328-8716Canceled
1479633Brook E.C.19402 Atlantic Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3548284Richard Lloyd Sale1945211 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1589898Mary Kathleen Sutlive1955915 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11415238Marcena Lynn Gabrielson19671107 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1152214Paul J. Tilson1952404 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
556729Amanda Leese Swift King1972607 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10184746Richard Lee Hammons19601414 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1540912Comer Meadows V19391711 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1584037Jennifer Murphy Mahany19521115 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9407Accepted
1589249Dana Sue Hammond Boram1959123 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1563885Benjamin Hirsch Levy Jr.19482 Eighth Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3118146David P. McNaughton1948144 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9714Accepted
4581957Otto Wigaart Immel19371711 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4070031Marcelle Vogel Cherau1940114 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9712Canceled
4845487Sally Safrit Cameron1948817 First Street, Tybee island 31328-8818Canceled
5384091Judith Ann Domnitz1951404 Eighth Street, Tybee island 31328-9517Accepted
536377Vicki A. Smith Hammons19621414 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11221772David Jay Haberman1954205 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11368235Kathleen Ann Yonka19511707 Strand, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1589003Mallie Baldwin Clark19501610 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8745Canceled
1589320George Anne Inglis1942602 15th Street, Tybee island 31328-8759Accepted
2430622Diane W. Kaufman19551517 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9645Accepted
5697408Vicki Lyn Butrym19621608 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6423555Patricia Miller Wann19501512 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8774Canceled
370804Colleen Carol Kelly1946701 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11125727Anthony Paul Russo1952302 10th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6525812Becky Diane Ouellette19653 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
139353Harry Leon Zaloumes1947710 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9621Canceled
1541159Carolyn L. Stillwell19531007 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9535Canceled
1589721James Whitley Reynolds1951611 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8829Accepted
1589403Rose Merry Wynn Lacefield19417 Ts Chu Terrace, Tybee island 31328-9799Canceled
1557125Sheryl Karp Kreh19515 Sixth Terrace, Tybee island 31328Canceled
2015560Joseph Chandler Kinsey19331404 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7084189John Henry Daniels1935704 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9724Canceled
7702938Alisa Beth Salaki1966402 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10432043Phyllis Marie Whitten1997145 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10456648Zedna Alicia Young1955914 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11018379Colin Vincent Callahan19871517 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11620717Abigail Maryanne Berrios19991314 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
299212Ruth M. MacKay19521510 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8774Accepted
1506716Sheila S. Phillips195118 10th Street, Tybee island 31328-8807Accepted
1541885Mary Molpus Klein19511511 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9611Accepted
1589202Bruce Elbert Freyermuth Jr.195415 17th Street, Tybee island 31328-8810Canceled
1592048James M. Peper1942817 First Street, Tybee island 31328-8818Accepted
4074617Patricia J. McCoury19501309 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4121080Christian H. Cherau1939114 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9712Canceled
11517295Michael David Luxner1950612 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11250529Ellen Todesca Arce19551415 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1293747Elaine Andrews Hickey1939615 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8829Accepted
1516512Joan Levy Levy19424 Eighth Terrace, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1596475Jerry Malcolm Stuber19541609 Strand, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588915James C. Brown1953403 10th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589214Patricia Michelle Gillikin1956602 14th Street, Tybee island 31328-8717Accepted
5700959Dolores Lee Rogge19346 15th Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10530347Hilary Beth Junewicz19721812 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10933381James Lee Nickerson1946156 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1596199Morgan W. Murray19492 Sixth Street, Tybee island 31328-9792Accepted
1589768Diana Elizabeth Scarwid19552 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328-8742Accepted
1590039Dale E. Williams19531101 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588894Nancy Buckley Boylston19461407 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
5785888Lesli Ann Trolan Fuller19501012 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9540Canceled
7999895Jane Marie Alexander19487 Village Place, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10043915Katharine Anne Burns1953911 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1869640Kenneth Lane Prichard19551006 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1426532Tanya D. Fowler1960502 Third Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10957649Erin Alvey O'Sullivan19947 Fishermans Walk, Tybee island 31328Accepted
299209Douglas James MacKay19471510 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8774Accepted
1539203Donna M. Knight V1958501 15th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587870Donna Clark Piper1955127 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9791Accepted
1556902Carl Frederick Feus19458 12th Terrace, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1558480George W. Hassell Jr.19648 Silver Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3651160James Richard Barrows19531504 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7283031Jessica Elaine Power1987216 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7192612Archibald McL Martin Jr.19501202 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8411566Amy Adams Higgins1958103 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10334242Agnes Chimileski Maresh1950152 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1150281Cynthia F. Kinkel19491405 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9684Accepted
1150282Roeder P. Kinkel19491405 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9684Accepted
1516936Jo Ann Catherine Smith1934204 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587843Judy G. Balcom1957408 McLeod Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8792Accepted
1589985Camille R. Ward19401203 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9523Canceled
1590077Charles Arthur Worden19451105 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9407Accepted
1588435Patricia W. Neidlinger1954166 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9714Accepted
3448619Marie Regina Rodriguez1963713 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9622Canceled
2065113Carl Edward Parrish Jr.1945817 First Street, Tybee island 31328-8818Accepted
2138979Alan Lee White1952154 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9714Accepted
10132215John Paul Hellstrom Jr.19411204 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10871043Rolf Georg Kuehni1938807 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
10942881Charles Thomas Kirk III1948166 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1467903Kathleen Alice Flynn194920 14th Street, Tybee island 31328-8780Accepted
10187250Michael Stewart Zimmer19611414 Seventh Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1738029Roberta C. Chadwick19391506 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9637Canceled
1560017Diane W. Lightsey19477 Atlantic Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588913Carol Elizabeth Brown1959403 10th Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4117960Beverly P. Goode1939503 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328-9698Canceled
2386242Barbara Archer Hand19501604 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8727Accepted
5744225Cristine Broomfield Boylan19475 Ninth Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4960428Brett Chambers Barton19821114 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2331728Gloria Christine Oscar19681303 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
12166850Terry Odell Carroll1953701 12th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7798496Elizabeth Anderson Alford19841310 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10139236Stephen Richard Johnson1955206 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1515923Helen Marie Buttimer1938204 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1541252Susan Kirchin Weston19544 12th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1878941Charles Fishburne Adkins19611107 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589550Joseph Edward Moran19361207 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9597Accepted
2613972Peter Hobart Hand19441604 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8727Accepted
4121080Christian H. Cherau1939114 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9712Accepted
2561275Leuveda Phillips Garner19431518 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8774Accepted
5038301Anne E. Yentsch1939503 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9632Canceled
4838927Josephine McCollough Young1938707 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9505Accepted
6635850Richard Eugene Kautzman1946208 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9502Accepted
6144703Gregory Seth Jackson19861614 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9778Accepted
8825733Pamula Sweetser Marie Shook1953305 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4735091Andrew B. Robertson19648 Sixth Place, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4663724Rebecca Lee Gerald195026 Atlantic Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11347991James Christopher Holt19797 Village Place, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11048428Terrence Adam Daniels1979817 First Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11517292Karla Leilani Luxner1950612 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11474588Georgiana Wood Callaway1956121 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
3143791Teddy Joe Carpenter1950404 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
11676348Cynthia Ann Woehrle19558 Tybrisa Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1541105Elizabeth M. Sheehan19401 11th Terrace, Tybee island 31328-8724Canceled
1596198Anne Sognier Murray19512 Sixth Street, Tybee island 31328-9792Accepted
1581009Ellen May Roach1946704 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1581307Renee Goodman Bridges19541001 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9731Canceled
1590527John J. Ganem Jr.19462 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328-8742Accepted
1589244Joyce D. Hagan1942712 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1578404Donald Gervais19501511 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9529Canceled
3585003Sarah L. Schumm19771409 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9636Canceled
6457487Christian M. Arden-Joly195813 Shirley Road, Tybee island 31328Canceled
6423551James Creekmore Wann19481512 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8774Accepted
8187052Alaina Renee Loughridge19731801 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8796Canceled
663074Michael Dewayne Gerald19502 Silver Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1541125Julian C. Sipple Jr.19421304 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1689227Lauren Kelly Davis19511003 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1587565Donna Forbes Sheffield19541309 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1589954Margie H. Turner19411206 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9679Canceled
1556888Jane A. Feiler19364 Ninth Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
2951884Mary Elizabeth Adams19524 Marsh Creek Cove, Tybee island 31328-9534Accepted
4591015Marlin Wade Johnson Jr.1954506 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
5683901Carol Petersen Ingham1944603 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9600Canceled
5123114Howard John Bellinger1934106 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8765Accepted
8225406Lucy Elizabeth Kohler1992906 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
8935847Beverly Jo Elswick1971915 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
4720110Vernon Edward Gracen1945101 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
3096871William Gundy Lanier19521113 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
4659180Gregory Marshall Chait1960904 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10536411Karen Lynelle Furgason1996402 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1596547Betty Ward Branan193711 11th Place, Tybee island 31328-8714Accepted
1590084John C. Wylly Jr.19411701 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8751Accepted
1588398Jill Allison Miller1965817 First Street, Tybee island 31328-8818Accepted
1589651Robert Paul Phillips III194618 10th Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588070Cecilia D. Downs1954147 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9791Accepted
4778771Julian Howard McKenzie1935911 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6797512Mary Delourdes Sheehan19356 11th Terrace, Tybee island 31328Accepted
6423551James Creekmore Wann19481512 Fifth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8774Canceled
7063119Nancy McGinn Fucci1962301 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9614Accepted
1540822Alex A. Lawrence Jr.19341902 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1544378Elizabeth Ann Giblin1953906 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1588942Nicholas Joseph Burke19434 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
5204901Patrick Louis Dillon19381701 Strand, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7259786Margaret Elizabeth Martin19531202 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7612892Mark A. Levinson1951710 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8720Accepted
3096862Gail Means Lanier19541113 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
561211Rose B. Mae Millikan1937115 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9541Canceled
1578435Thomas S. Gray Jr.19378 10th Street, Tybee island 31328-8807Accepted
1548139Nestor Gernay1942817 First Street, Tybee island 31328Canceled
5393262Virginia Price Masingill19491311 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
5957894Ned Paul Becker19391213 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9680Canceled
7739689Susan Caryl Brown19481101 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9507Accepted
2327335Mary Kathleen McGuire1950215 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1312795Judith Calhoun Trout19421417 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10871043Rolf Georg Kuehni1938807 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
10883143Margret Niehaus Kuehni1939807 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
467098Christopher Shayne George19673 Seventh Street, Tybee island 31328Accepted
11527734Amelia Dee Adkins19681107 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
7278323Linda Hopkins Capranica1949907 Jones Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
96397Robert W. Gannon Jr.19401110 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9406Accepted
561211Rose B. Mae Millikan1937115 Lovell Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9541Accepted
1152084Julie Anne Sullivan19601615 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8712Canceled
10141763Joe Price Dyer19481415 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1517016Zelda B. Tenenbaum19461621 Chatham Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1540822Alex A. Lawrence Jr.19341902 Butler Avenue, Tybee island 31328Accepted
1588996Arelene Louise Nichols1957172 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9714Accepted
1589763Palmyre C. Sadler1946601 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8829Accepted
1588211Betty Jayne Hendrix1953164 Lewis Avenue, Tybee island 31328-9714Accepted
1589952Kenneth Everett Turner19391206 Miller Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled
1589316John Joseph Hutton19401306 Venetian Drive, Tybee island 31328-8736Accepted
1589503Donald E. McLendon1930601 Sixth Avenue, Tybee island 31328-8829Accepted
11517292Karla Leilani Luxner1950612 Second Avenue, Tybee island 31328Canceled



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