Allyson Harvin Past Chair | Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce
Allyson Harvin Past Chair | Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce
Last week, the Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce organized the annual Savannah-Chatham Day in Atlanta. The event featured a legislative listening session where attendees received updates from various statewide commissioners. Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols, Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Christopher Nunn, Department of Insurance Commissioner John King, and Georgia Department of Transportation Board Chair Ann Purcell were present along with Deputy Chief Engineer Andrew Heath. Attendees also heard a briefing on Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield from Major General Christopher Norrie, Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division.
After the session, guests gathered at the Georgia Freight Depot for the Savannah-Chatham Day Legislative Oyster Roast. Over 800 people enjoyed a Savannah-style oyster roast and Low Country boil. This event is considered one of the most popular ticketed events during the legislative season.