Mayor Van R. Johnson II | City of Savannah
Mayor Van R. Johnson II | City of Savannah
As the City of Savannah’s annual budget review process begins, residents are invited to participate in a prioritization survey to voice their opinions.
The City's budget significantly influences the quality of life for Savannah's residents. Input from the community is crucial to ensure that City funding aligns with public priorities.
Participants in the survey are asked to rank eight service areas based on their importance. These rankings will provide essential information to City staff during the budget formation process.
Survey results will be compiled and presented to City leadership and made available to the public in September.
Residents and stakeholders are requested to prioritize Human Services, Stormwater, Cultural Arts, Planning & Development, Housing, Recreation, Fire, and Police services. Detailed descriptions of each service area are provided within the survey.
The survey is open now and will close at the end of August.